Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why has McCain flip-flopped on Oil drilling off the US Coast?

Isn't this another reason to see him as 'McSame'. Bush originally laughed off the idea, so did McCain... Bush has now changed his mind, so has McCain.Why has McCain flip-flopped on Oil drilling off the US Coast?
These are the same people who have had no energy policy for the last 8 years (except for Cheney's secret meetings with Big Oil and Enron). Now, all of a sudden, they want to overturn George H. W. Bush's anti-drilling policies because they believe that the American people can be pacified with a .06 cent drop in prices at the pump. Sorry, but that's all it would be--oh, in about a decade or more. About McBush's flip-flips--this was only the latest in a whole host of issues that he has done about-turns. No surprise, and we can expect plenty more as he panders and twists himself into a pretzel.Why has McCain flip-flopped on Oil drilling off the US Coast?
When your administration's entire energy policy consists of flying to Saudi Arabia every now and again and pleading for them to increase oil production - and then they say no - you find yourself flip-flopping.
I agree. McSame, McShame, whatever. I see a career politician with a populist agenda.
They are being opportunistic, trying to take advantage of average Americans' dwindling savings accounts. It's completely irresponsible, and I hope the average American can see through this political ploy.
Times change you change with them he isnt ignorant he will do whats best for America. if any of you think we wont be using oil in 5 years think again.
Because McCain is a flip flopper and will say or do anything to get elected.
It's an election year.

No other explanation is necessary.
This is an electon year and he will tell the people what they want to hear like Bush did!
This is what happens, when you try to be a democrat.

( while your a republican )
flip flopping is what McBush does best! He used to be his own man until the RNC made him tow the party line.

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