If not, why aren't we producing our own oil?
If so, why can't we improve the process so that the environment isn't hurt?How much damage has been done to the environment by drilling for oil in the US?
No damage that hasn't been able to be repaired. And we don't drill for more because so far the tree huggers and their propaganda machines have won. Sometimes I think they would prefer that humans all died and left the Earth to the animals.How much damage has been done to the environment by drilling for oil in the US?
It's a matter of politics.
The environmental zealots go nuts and have kniptions everytime anyone talks about drilling. They are afraid it will hurt the environment where the yellow haired double breasted bed thrasher lives.
Those loonies live in major cities where they do not need cars.
Those of us who need our cars to get to work or to go to a store for groceries have to pay for the loonies misplaced
There have been NO serious environmental problems due to drilling in the US.
It is the same with the loonies screaming about nuclear power generation. They are terrified ( so they say) of nuclear accidents, none of which have caused even one injury in the US in all the years in which the nuclear plants have been in use. Our Navy has been using Nuclear power plants since the 1970's without a single accident..
France get 50% of her electric power from nuclear plants and has never had a fatality due to it.
The tree huggers have caused more harm to this country and its economy than any oil well.
They do not care how much harm they cause.
As a Lib/Dem, I'm sorry to say sometimes my group carry a good thing too far. We really do need to invest in America, Drill where we can to give ourselves a break from overseas oil and time to find viable alternatives of power. Alaska and the Gulf are fine, ...we have now and we still will take all care while working toward our own best interests. !!
actually there are leases in alaska that are not being drilled not because of no rigs but due to GREED! the oil companies are sitting on them hoping for a gas pipeline so they can double their $$$$. oil and gas both...and we have several options for the gas in the works ... but heck they've been TALKIN that since they put in the oil pipeline. most of the comp. just burn it off at the drill sight... waste but they are pumpin oil...... and most of what we pump is sold overseas NOT USED HERE.....diesel is $4.99 a gal here!
Because our government is stopping it. Makes no sense!
.) Of the top 14 oil and gas producing states, 12 reached their peak production prior to 1972, so no, environmentalism isn't to blame. That's just the nature of non-renewable energy. One of the 2 remaining states is Alaska, which peaked in 1989. The other is California, which peaked in 1985, so it definitely can't be pinned on the environmentalists.
2.) There are over 1800 rigs drilling all over the US today including over 61 in the Gulf of Mexico. Most companies have a multi-year backlog of wells already permitted, there just aren't enough rigs to drill them all at once. Source: American Petroleum Institute rig count: Oil and Gas Journal
3.) The government has approved over 25,000 wells to be drilled on federal lands in the 5-state Rocky Mountain Region of the US. 19,000 of those wells have already been drilled, leaving a backlog of 6,000 wells that can be drilled anytime the oil companies feel like it. This doesn't even include wells on private lands, which are even less restricted.
4.) Jeb and George Bush established a moratorium preventing any drilling rigs within sight of land off the Florida coast. That ban was requested by real estate speculators, not environmentalists.
5.) There have been thousands of permits issued to expand, update, and improve existing refineries since the Clean Air Act went into effect. They could just as easily get permits to build new refineries if they wanted to. The oil companies prefer to expand and modernize existing refineries since it is cheaper than building new ones. Source: 15 years working in the refining business. Example1: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=鈥?/a>
Example 2: http://www.siteselection.com/ssinsider/p鈥?/a>
6. 27% of US production currently comes from the Gulf of Mexico and there are 61 rigs drilling there today, so NO, it is NOT off limits, despite what your dim-witted right-wing programmers tell you. Where do conservatives get such silly, uninformed ideas?
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