Friday, January 8, 2010

What does Obama and Mccain think about drilling for oil in alaska?

What does Obama and Mccain think about drilling for oil in alaska?What does Obama and Mccain think about drilling for oil in alaska?
If we're talking about the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, neither one spends much time thinking about it on its merits. Drilling there would reduce import need by a few percentage points in about ten years.

Because of nationalization, oil companies have little control and little certainty about where they are going to get their product. Drilling in ANWR, the continental shelf or anywhere else would reduce this uncertainty and ensure profits for some years to come. The reason they wish to drill in the U.S. is not because the U.S. has a significant portion of world reserves - it doesn't - but because U.S. politicians are buyable and the electorate easily deluded.What does Obama and Mccain think about drilling for oil in alaska?
They both are probably assuming it'll continue, since it's such a large portion of domestic production. It's not like either would be foolish enough to turn off the tap via the iron fist of government as POTUS.
McCain used to be completely against it. Now, he is for it. FLIP FLOPPER FLIP FLOPPER FLIP FLOPPER!

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