Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What are the advantages to drilling for oil domestically?

I assume that less reliance on foreign countries and a boost to the economy are a couple advantages but what are some other?What are the advantages to drilling for oil domestically?
You must not be aware of the oil we are alreay reserving. Drilling off shore would take about 3 or 4 years to construct the wells and then it would take 13 to 15 years for this oil to lessen the price of gasoline. By that time we could develope another energy source. Developing that will install back to our country a lot of jobs that were lost. So will building the energy efficient autos. It's a win-win situation.What are the advantages to drilling for oil domestically?
There are no significant advantages to drilling for oil domestically. It is more expensive to drill here because the most profitable fields have been exploited and pumping the oil at a later point would provide greater profits (because of the Hubbert peak oil curve). It would deplete the domestic supply further.

The US went through its peak production in the early 1970s. Since then, production of oil has declined. It will not help much in meeting the huge demand in the US in the near term.

The real solution to energy problems is to conserve, build more efficient vehicles, more efficient machines, and find new renewable sources of energy such as wind power and hydroelectric. Nuclear is not cost effective given the toxic contamination risks. Mining uranium is also dangerous and expensive.

Domestic solar water heating is practical for the US. It would save about 30% of the energy consumption of an average householde and is a relatively low investment.
As long as the Commodities Futures Modernization Act goes unchanged nothing anyone does will matter. You can drill your little hearts out and completely destroy the environment, but nothing will change as long as speculators are allowed to run amok.

Simply adding the words ';and energy'; to the Commodities Futures Modernization Act would bring gas prices down overnight.

80% of all known oil off the continental shelf of the United States have already been granted permits to drill, but those that would do the drilling are sitting on those permits. Ask yourself why.
There are some advantages, but prices will still remain high.

Domestic oil is good because we're less dependent on other nations for a steady supply. HOWEVER, oil is still in demand globally. Therefore, prices will still be high. If there is great demand for something, it will have a higher price. Since there is strong demand in China and India, prices will continue to be high. They will go down a little, but only because there is more oil on the market.

For the United States, it is in our best interest that China has access to oil. We manufacture TONS of stuff in China because it is much cheaper to produce there than here (low labor costs). If all of the products we purchased were made in the United States, many of them would be too expensive to afford, and people would have to do without a lot of things. Our standard of living would go down.
I'll start with the obvious:

We're sitting on BILLIONS of gallons of oil and we're running around like baboons screaming, ';Oh Sh!t, what do we do now?';

If our country goes to hell, we'll have no one to blame but ourselves and the stupid environmentalists, (emphasis on mental).

Other countries, that drill off of their OWN shores, are laughing at us right now.
We have enough to last forever if the abiotic oil theory is true.鈥?/a>

It's the length of time to access it from ground to car that is NOT good news. I'll be decomposing by the time we get it to cars and industry.
the deficit should dramatically drop.
It takes 10 years to get up and running so time is an answer.

If We Would Just Start Drilling Our Oil Up How Long To Pay Our Debt?

We can get oil up from close too the shore in about 1 year time- with the advancements .... We could pay our debt off alot sooner if we would just get more natural energy going- Thats the blood of America and Obama is running our blood dry!If We Would Just Start Drilling Our Oil Up How Long To Pay Our Debt?
I am not sure just the oil drilling would have that much to do with our debt

it is the 'do gooders' who feel that everyone should have a beneficent overseer making sure that they are never in want but in life there are not a lot of 'free' things, someone has to pay, in fact, I would say there is absolutely nothing in life that is free!

What are the downpoints of Drilling for oil in Alaska?

Would we really disturb the frozen life? As far as I see it, Alaska is huge and not every streatch of land is populated by some creature. Oil is there, we need oil.... Why don't we drill there?What are the downpoints of Drilling for oil in Alaska?
As with any venture, in Alaska or New York City, there is always a chance of an accident, so I guess that would be the downside. However, when the Alaska pipeline was built, the opponents raised every conceivable horror story to stop it. When the pipeline was done, and there were no disasters, they went away, once again proven wrong.

The upside is that we would have much more cude oil available to us to stabilize the oil markets. The additional supply would buy us time to find alternatives that are economical (none currently are), that are envinomentally friendly (research ethanol. It ain't all it's cracked up to be) and inexhaustible (hydrogen being the best bet so far).

Before the Alaska pipeline was built, environmentalists fretted about the migration of the caribou, elk, moose, etc. Come to find out, they all love the pipeline and graze right next to it during the summer months.

In otherwords, don't let fear mongers sway your opinions. Research ALL of the facts with an open mind. My grandmother used to tell me, ';Sonny boy? Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see and you will be much closer to the truth';. She was right then and is still right today, God bless her soul.What are the downpoints of Drilling for oil in Alaska?
Alaska is one of the few places we have left with actual landscape and animals, it is also the home of many endangered animals, and when they say they want to drill in Alaska they mean, all over, I live by an oil plant here in kansas and its not so pretty, I'm suprised I haven't mutated yet.
The down-point in drilling for oil in Alaska is that it is being used

as a political tool. To scare uninformed people into thinking that oil companies and drilling are all bad. I used to think that way until I did a little research. The process of drilling and the equipment itself has changed so much in the past 20 years, you would be surprised.

While everyone cries about the cost of a gallon of gas, the demand for gas has risen from countries such as China who is now importing millions more. It's all really simple.

SUPPLY and DEMAND. If we don't start supplying more oil for ourselves from our own country resources, then we need to stop crying about prices and learn to ride a bike. But guess what, we wont unfortunately. My suggestion is to keep yourself informed and vote in the people YOU believe is telling you the truth. Not some 30 second political ad on t.v. from someone who is just as uninformed and only wants your vote.
Drilling in Alaska, there are so many downpoints, but to name a few: Alaska is one of our last great untouched places on earth. It's beautiful, clean and pure. When we drill there were disrupting the natural flow of the enviorment there. Not to mention the oil spills and pollution. It is beyond us to just leave things alone. It's not like we dont have other places where we can drill, Texas, the Middle East, all over the place. PLaces that have been urburnized. Let me put it this way, how would you like someone to come into your liveing room and just start drilling. Were killing the animals and the enviorment. They say that the oil indisturies are being safe and using every precaution, but accidents still happen. Nomatter how safe and careful you are accidents are still going to happen. But when the accident involves dumping hundreds of gallons of oil into the ocean and killing millions of animals, and poluting the world for years to come. How many accidents will it take for them to leave our enviorment alone. They should pack up leave Alaska alone, because when it comes to our Grandchilderen and there Grandchilderen, dont we want something untouched and special for them also.
Down points are the drill bits used to cut through rock so the oil can be reached.
Alaska is not ALWAYS is called SUMMER! There are also people living there, and believe me EVERY inch of it is used by something whether it be people, animals, and especially birds. Hundreds of different bird species migrate there to nest!
Oil drilling would cause environmental damage. The argument is all about how much. The oil industry says they can minimize the damage but always seem to cause more that they said they would. Environmentalists always complain about any amount of environmental damage and the mostly extreme ones say the no benefit, no matter how large, is justification for even the smallest environmental damage. Somewhere in there is a possible middle ground, maybe.
Does ';Valdez'; ring a bell. Alaska is pristine wilderness. We don't need to ruin it just so we can destroy more of the ozone with the fumes caused from oil consumption!
Hate to say this, but the oil wells are already drilled and have been for 20 years or more (Alaskan Pipeline sources) so the damage is already done - people don't seem to hear that part... all the govt. wants to do is turn them on, which won't do any more harm to the earth than it has already - I say turn 'em on, get our gas prices down.

Would gas prices come down if we allowed all the additional oil drilling that the neo-cons want?

Actually it would make the rich richer-it is such a small amount it would no affect the world market-which dictates the price of gas-Would gas prices come down if we allowed all the additional oil drilling that the neo-cons want?
No. The US doesn't have enough refinery capacity to make more gas even with more oil. Seems people want cheap gas but don't want a dirty refinery nearby.

We have actually lost refinery capacity since the 70's even though we have more people, more cars, and drive more miles.Would gas prices come down if we allowed all the additional oil drilling that the neo-cons want?
OPEC has a large influence on prices by determining the output. If we stopped buying it, prices would decrease. Oil is the past, we need a different source of energy. The population keeps increasing and our oil supply is finite.
no it wouldn't.the purpose of what you sadly missed was to have more access and to loose the grip of foreign oil.we don't have the refining capacity because they voted that down also.
No. The reserves in Alaska are not that big plus it is not the US market that dictates world oil prices.
You're right, but you miss a key point about current oil prices.

American refineries aren't operating at full capacity. The oil companies could be producing more, thus increasing supply and lowering prices, but they prefer to keep it at current levels, becaus they can earn record profits that way.
Well now that our congressmen and senators have passed the bill to tax the oil companies, our gas prices will rise dramatically along with food and everything else. You just watch. Yes I do believe we (the USA) should be able to drill on our lands and seas. It is going to be YEARS to get this country OFF so called oil. Even then, we WILL need oil to make ethanol and such. Furthermore, I do believe we are going ';too fast'; with so called remedies. Some of these remedies such as ethanol will be far worse for the environment than the former. This stuff needs to be looked at. I strongly believe, we will no longer be lining the pockets of the ';oil companies';, we WILL BE LINING THE POCKETS of the ';Al Gore's'; and the like.
My thoughts are... gas prices will never come down no matter what you do. It's basic economics. People in the market for gas have already proved that they are willing to spend this much on gas so why would the producers bring the price down?? Once the market hits the price that consumers are no longer will to pay (and who knows what that will actually be) then it will regulate itself and stay at that price where the the most people are will to pay the highest price.
ofcourse it would. We have more shale oil in this country than ALL the oil in Arabia. this is not a neo con thought though, this is a SANE thought
No.....and it has nothing to do with making the 'rich richer' has to do with the current lack of investment that the established oil refineries are making in their own backyards or with their current drilling practices. They could easily increase production and bring prices down, but they chose not to. It would seem to me that they want to deplete the oil of OPEC nations until they are left with nothing...and save our oil so that later down the road they can turn the tables on OPEC and force them to pay outrageous prices because we will have the only oil available.
To answer your question;

It would save the money we send overseas for oil currently that is for sure. If we got 1 million barrels of oil per day from ANWR America would save 100 million dollars per day in payments currently sent overseas. But we need to build more refineries to convert the oil to gasoline, that will lower the price of gas in America. Right now refineries are running at capacity and its not enough.
Yes they would come down significantly. There are millions upon millions of gallons of oil just sitting there in ANWR, but the left-wing liberal environmentalists are blocking any development of the region because a few elk might lose their homes.

If the Libs don't want to drill in the US, don't whine about high gas prices!!
Gas prices likely would not go down, because oil is short in supply. But it would slow down inflation and debt for a time.
Well I think your info is flawed . New technologies allow for safe drilling AND the capability to reach previously difficult to reach oil .

Then ask yourself 2 things --

Should we not do everything we can to support ourselves ?


When's the last time a U.S. land-based oil drilling operation had a major spill ? Hmmmmmm ?
  • cartridge
  • Why is drilling for oil in the atlantic ocean illegal?

    I heard about a petition trying to make drilling for oil in certain areas legal. But before signing anything I want someone to tell me why drilling in these areas were said to be illegal in the first place.Why is drilling for oil in the atlantic ocean illegal?
    They used to allow drilling but after several events where the rigs suffered damage, the oil killed hundreds of thousands of wild life and despoiled hundreds of miles of beach with thick, gooey, black ooze.

    People got disgusted and had their congressmen and governors of both political parties stop the drilling so that the ecological health of the area could be refreshed.

    We should have learned from those experiences but some fools think we can start drilling there again and the same thing won't happen.

    The public has a short memory, unfortunately. It would be a terrible idea to let the drilling begin because none of the oil will reach market for at least 10 years and we should have much better methods of transportation than oil and gas working by then.

    Thanks for asking...hope this helps.Why is drilling for oil in the atlantic ocean illegal?
    Ronnie %26amp; DADDY ';decided'; many years ago that, that is the way it was going to be, and junior agreed with them, that was before he disagreed with them, and Jeb told his brother NO WAY are you going to allow drilling off the coast of Floridah, and junior said YES Jeb. So that's why drilling in the Atlantic ocean is illegal.
    Early offshore drilling efforts would sometime spill oil into the ocean. People in the U.S. decided that it would be better to buy oil from other countries and let the oil slicks foul their beaches instead. Now that demand for oil is rising and oil extraction technology is much better we are rethinking that ban. Of course none of this solves the underlying problem, which is the collapsing value of our currency.
    Tree huggers cry about it ,,say it hurts the environment

    oil is unsustainable,,,we need to get off it its only gonna get worse
    The Democrats passed a law that makes it illegal.
    Environmental reasons basically. Look at all the oil spills that have taken place.
    Ask Jeb Bush.

    If we stop all exploration for oil and drilling now can we trust Obama to provide us with alternative energy?

    When can we expect to run completly out of oil if we listen to the liberals and stop all drilling?If we stop all exploration for oil and drilling now can we trust Obama to provide us with alternative energy?
    The private sector will come up with the solution eventually. In the mean time we need to maintain the flow of oil. Anything else would be suicide.If we stop all exploration for oil and drilling now can we trust Obama to provide us with alternative energy?
    Back in the 70's we were told by experts that we would run out of oil by the 90's. Now we see that a number of the tapped out oil fields in Texas and California are producing oil once again (renewable resource ?).

    I believe we need to drill now and continue to look for alternatives. There is a financial incentive or the person or persons that can develop an alternative to oil so it should be no problem promoting development. The issue really comes down to are the current batches of alternatives the magic answer or are the Dem's and a great number of other folks on this planet hyper-focusing and not continuing to look. We were told ethanol would be the answer but turning food into fuel is just wrong. Additionally it is accelerating the further loss of rain forest in South America as the ground is turned into agricultural land to produce bio-fuel.

    I don't think we can trust Obama or the Dem's. They are politicizing an issue that is too important for politics.
    I listen to the Oil CEO's testifying in Congress last month May, 2008.... and they all lied that

    1. Demands are now low

    2. Supplies are now high .... about 3% increase

    3. It cost about $10 to make a barrel of oil but trade on Wall Street for $130 a barrel

    4. All the oil refineries are only operating at a 80% - 50% capacity because we already have too much oil

    5. The US is currently the #3 largest producer of oil in the world.... we sell our extra oils to Japan

    6. Plenty of oils right here in the USA =

    June 22nd, 2008

    The U.S. Geological Survey just published its official results of a groundbreaking study.

    Its report confirmed a massive oil reserve in an area the locals have nicknamed the ';Bakken,'; which stretches across North Dakota, Montana and southeastern Saskatchewan.

    The new USGS study estimates a whopping 3.65 billion barrels of oil in the Bakken...

    The reported 3.65 billion barrels of oil mean estimate is for 'undiscovered' oil only, and doesn't include known oil, such as reserves.

    In fact, the study reports a 25-fold increase in the amount of oil that can be recovered... compared to the agency's estimate back in 1995.

    Discovered over 50 years ago, the Bakken deposit--once impossible to extract--is now being hailed as the single largest oil find in US history.

    That's because, today, thanks to breakthrough drilling techniques like horizontal drilling, the Bakken's oil shales can be extracted relatively cheaply.

    When that happens, this light, sweet oil will cost Americans just $16 per barrel! and trade on Wall Street for $130-$140 a barrel
    Go to this website and sign this petition!

    You will look back on this day and realize that YOU decided the presidency in 2008. McCain almost pooped his pants when he found out how many Americans want us to be less dependent on foreign oil. Almost 1.5 million signatures!!! That is what changed his mind about drilling. Mark my words, this petition WILL decide who becomes our next president. And I will be proud to say that I played my part and so can you.

    God Bless this country.
    Obama can't provide us with anything, except liberal politics as usual. He can't turn water into wine, and he can't provide alternative energy. Only private industry can do that.
    Obama will give you squat while raising taxes on gas.
    alternative energy is great, but why is it one or the other. We can drill now while persuing alt. energy can't we?

    What are some other places besides Alaska where we could start drilling for oil?

    Like the other paul said, the continental shelf. The problem with that is that it can disrupt the fragile reefs and disturb the ocean floor, killing many small organisms. right now, there is no easy way to get oil without destroying some part of the environment further.What are some other places besides Alaska where we could start drilling for oil?
    Iraq's got plenty of oil now. They just discovered enough to give them a larger reserve than Saudi Arabia. With so much oil, they could easily sell us some at a discount price.

    What are some other places besides Alaska where we could start drilling for oil?
    On the continental shelf off the coast of California and Florida.

    What ever happened to drilling for oil and building nuke plants and refineries?

    Solar panels windmills and children battery cars are not the answerWhat ever happened to drilling for oil and building nuke plants and refineries?
    The oil producers already have under lease 68 million acres where they have not begun to drill for oil. Demand is down and they have reduced production to raise the prices again.

    Crude oil is getting cheaper 鈥?so why isn't gas? - Yahoo! News鈥?/a>What ever happened to drilling for oil and building nuke plants and refineries?
    The dems will never let that happen.In fact I did hear that they want to reinstate the off shore drilling ban.

    See the democrats love us, and do not want us to use dirty oil. They want us to use battery cars that only go (at most) 100 miles from home so we do not go any where and get hurt.

    They are LIARS, and the dems keep falling for it
    never going to happen. BIG OIL owns the politicians, and they like gas prices high...

    next you should ask what happened to battery technology...Big Oil bought the patent and shelved it..

    corruption sucks
    Can you explain to me why nuclear and oil are the solution and solar, wind, and electric aren't?
    Sorry, pal. That was the Republican platform.

    Why do the oil companies insist on setting aside more areas for oil drilling when they already have 68 million

    acres leased that is not being drilled?

    Don't you think that they don't need any more offshore leases. They don't need ANWR. They need to use what they already have while the rest of us try to figure out how to use less oil. Why do the oil companies insist on setting aside more areas for oil drilling when they already have 68 million
    Why not use the public's panic for oil prices and prejudices to make some extra cash.Why do the oil companies insist on setting aside more areas for oil drilling when they already have 68 million
    For the last time it is public record so go look at the map and explanation for each and every lease that said company has.

    If an oil company does not use the lease they lose it and any money invested. They are not going to waste money.

    Oil companies paid 3 times more in taxes than they made in profits. Maybe we should be more angry at big government than big oil.
    There should be no ';restrictions'; to drilling for oil. We are being stupid in letting other coultrys take OUR oil offshore. China is doing this right now right off our coast. They are ';slant'; drilling to tap into our reserves.Those measely few 68 million acres have little oil and we know there is plenty in ANWAR and off the coasts of FL and GA.
    Oil companies didn't insist on anything. Republicans did. But they can open all the leases they want in Alaska, offshore, anywhere. The only way that produces oil is if the Republicans start their own oil company.
    You can't drill for oil where you are growing pot. Either we lower gas prices or get high, but you can't have both. Now if you will excuse me, I'm hungry.
    They wish to take control of as much land as possible while they have the upper hand via the outrageous gasoline prices.
    Many of the leased lands now are not being drilled due to restrictions by states. You will never hear this from the left.
    Because it makes hippies like you mad, and im glad theyre doin it
    I said that a few days ago and got deleted

    no one seemed to have a good answer for it

    I think they are greedy...
    How much oil is under those '68 million acres'?
    congress won't let them drill, thats why they aren't drilling.

    Did you hear McCain said ';Thanks, but no thanks'; to a ban on offshore oil drilling?

    In May of this year, McCain renewed his opposition to offshore oil drilling in sensitive sites, which is a position he has held since his 2000 campaign for president.

    In June, McCain flip-flopped and said he thinks the ';moratorium should be lifted';, and now he says he is in favor of offshore oil drilling.

    Did you hear McCain said ';Thanks, but no thanks'; to a ban on offshore oil drilling?
    Good he finally came to his senses.Did you hear McCain said ';Thanks, but no thanks'; to a ban on offshore oil drilling?
    Possibly the $4.50+ dollars a gallon gasoline played a small part in his ';realignment';.

    Would you like to take a swing at how Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party just issued a statement today, preparing to open up some offshore areas for drilling?


    Didn't think so...


    Kevin wrote: We use 25% of the world's oil, but we only have 3% of the world's reserves. It doesn't take a math whiz to tell you that it isn't going to do that much.

    That's the Boone Pickens numbers, and I think he's spot-on. Even he agrees that we need to tap some of the off-shore oil stocks while we cross the bridge to renewable energy.

    As far as I remember, McCain has been pushing this need, combined with nuclear and the various green options, since about June. The Democratic caucus has *finally* jumped on board (as of 10 Sept.08).

    I say, good for them, but let's not accuse McCain only of flip-flopping when Democrats follow his lead.
    That's just the tip of the iceberg with him. Very strong point! Said he's against torture, but is for water boarding. Recently dropped his support of the McCain-Feingold bill that he sponsored. Voted against the Bush tax cuts initially, now wants to extend them indefinitely. He said he wanted to stay in Iraq for 100 years if necessary. Said Roe v. Wade should be left to the states to set their own policies on abortion, now says it should be completely overturned. I suppose he is the candidate for change considering he keeps changing his mind on all the issues.

    edit: kmfrye, even Obama has said offshore drilling is something we should do. The difference is that the republicans believe drilling will solve all our woes. We use 25% of the world's oil, but we only have 3% of the world's reserves. It doesn't take a math whiz to tell you that it isn't going to do that much.
    that key word is sensative sights, he has always been in favor of lifting the ban on off shore drilling. McCain is hardly the flip flop here. that word is exclusively meant for Obama. i been watching them both for a year and listening to speechs from both on the news. so i been actually paying attention to what is going on. if your putting stock in Obama dont waste your vote.
    McCain was quoted as saying, ';We need to drill the ocean floor like a drunk chick at a frat party.';
  • cartridge
  • How relieved are Arab dictators that Obama said he won't fight them but he will fight oil drilling in the US?

    Relieved? That would suggest they ever imagined otherwise.

    They always knew he was a Democrat.How relieved are Arab dictators that Obama said he won't fight them but he will fight oil drilling in the US?鈥?/a> ';Oil services companies took a hit today as falling oil prices have forced oil and gas companies to cancel exploration and production projects.';

    This is what is happening as the price of oil drops not from having more oil but for needing less. Why would you think that oil companies will drill here to produce more oil when the price is already in the tank? They would drill themselves out of existence.

    As for your other statement, you apparently heard something the rest of us didn't. I heard him say that he would talk to Muslim countries, not surrender to Arab dictators. Got any evidence of your claim?How relieved are Arab dictators that Obama said he won't fight them but he will fight oil drilling in the US?
    Rico Trump,

    You are an appeaser,

    You think 9/11 was America's fault don't you? You can't be friends with these people, they know nothing but hate they will always no nothing but hate. They hate you as much as they hate me, and they'd kill either of us without feeling a bit bad about it.

    You honestly don't know that there is no treaty in their minds, we must achieve total victory over the terrorists, there is no other option. I'm sorry you are stupid, I'm sorry you think America sucks, I don't -- I think America is great, and could be even greater, they are the problem; we need to fight them until they are no more.

    I will not live in suppression, but if you want to, then go. That is what I love about America, you are free to leave.
    We are better off being friends with Arab nations than enemies. Obama knows this. Bush didn't and that's why 9/11 happened.

    I can't believe after Bush conservatives think they can talk sh*t. They really have no argument.

    What are the environmental consequences of offshore drilling for oil?

    Would there be a way to keep the oil out of the water?What are the environmental consequences of offshore drilling for oil?
    yes, there is a way of keeping oil out of the water. Since oil floats on water we can surround it with things called booms.

    they are things that float on water which acts as a wall against oil. so one side of the boom it is oily water and on the other there is clean water.

    The enviromental consequences:

    * oil spill

    *animals try to dive in oily sea, they drink oil and die

    * birds go in to oily sea, their feathers get stuck they cannot fly and possibly drown

    *fire, releases harmful gases into the enviroment

    i hope it helpedWhat are the environmental consequences of offshore drilling for oil?
    First oil and water are immesible..

    they do NOT mix.. and they cannot..

    oil will always float on water..

    secondly for offshore drilling for oil .. depends..

    if you are cutting down trees to create space for oil drilling then you are killing trees.. and chopping off food and habitat for the birds and animals that live in the trees and those who feed on it ..

    secondly when you dig for oil ..

    soil eroision occurs .. which means that the fertile soil that took millions of years to form is gone..!

    also .. it means that vegetation will now be poor in that area.. lack of trees will result in further water erosion and landslides..!!
    Modern merhods are very clean and spills are rare. We might lose a little coral and clams 'way out there offshore, but that is pretty much all.
    It would add to pollution.

    dumping of waste into sea

    Fire and chemical hazard.

    Oil spill etc.


    Should we start drilling for oil in the United State and stop out sourcing Jobs to far away lands?

    Seems to me this would go a very long way to helping our countries finances Greatly.Should we start drilling for oil in the United State and stop out sourcing Jobs to far away lands?
    That is a good idea. It would make sense to use some of the oil revenue to fund alternative fuel research. That way we get energy now and they oil companies can make alternatives when they are perfected. The oil companies will make money now and will have alternatives to make money off in the future.Should we start drilling for oil in the United State and stop out sourcing Jobs to far away lands?
    The big oil companies have millions of acres that they have and aren't drilling on them.

    It's time for the government to seize them because it's our land anyway, give them to wildcat companies (Which are usually small businesses by the way), and create tons of jobs for the American People.
    i am all for it, the question is HOW are you going to do that? the devil is in the details.
    Someone needs to give the oil companies a swift kick in the *** to get them going.
    There are thousands of permits out there that have oil. The companies choose not to drill to keep the price high.

    Would you recommend drilling for oil in Alaska if gas prices reached a certain price?

    Please choose a range:

    1) 5 or less dollars a gallon

    2) 5 to 6 dollars a gallon

    3) 6 or more dollars a gallon

    4) You would never recommend it.Would you recommend drilling for oil in Alaska if gas prices reached a certain price?
    We should have been drilling in Alaska for years now. I heard that Canada is going to slant drill to get at the oil under our country. China is going to drill in international waters off the Florida coast. Can someone please tell the environmentalists that they need to back off and let us get our own oil. As it is if we start drilling right this minute it will still be 3-5 years before we get oil. Gas prices are only going to go one direction in the meantime. That means my answer is number 1.Would you recommend drilling for oil in Alaska if gas prices reached a certain price?
    We have been drilling and pumping oil up here in Alaska since 1977. The wildlife are just fine with the pipeline. We simply don't have enough oil up here to satisfy the needs and wants of the entire USA. Gas today in Palmer, AK was $4.46 and diesel was $5.39.
    4. oil's going to run out anyway, devastation would be irreparable. better to spend money on renewable fuels and mass transit.
    When they reach $2.00 per gallon...I guess it's past time to drill.
    Do it now. Its there. Use it.

    Obama to use executive authority to Stop oil drilling, Why?

    Google news says he wants to stop drilling in UtahObama to use executive authority to Stop oil drilling, Why?
    So we can pay a premium to his new best friend Hugo Chavez!Obama to use executive authority to Stop oil drilling, Why?
    Referring to the Bush Administration, Obama's transition chief John Podesta said, ';They want to have oil and gas drilling in some of the most sensitive, fragile lands in Utah that they're going to try to do right as they (are) walking out the door.';

    There's your reason.

    It's amazing what you find out if you read.
    I don't know how old you are but in the 70s the oil drilling on the coasts was damaging the shorelines along with the sealife and leaving coastal properties exposed due to the lack of shore line.

    If the residents of Alaska want to damage their state/shoreline drilling then they have the 'maverick' Sarah Palin in their corner to insure the oil will be drilled from there.

    As for the lower 48, I think that the residents of California, Texas, Louisiana, etc.. are just starting to enjoy the financial flow that has returned to these states by travelers that want to enjoy their beaches and seashore and to the sealife that has regrown spawning seafood that we all can enjoy.

    Let corporations make money building windmills to provide power and heat for our homes. Let creating new car fuel technology become MORE lucrative than the few OIL producing/trading companies, that is how we will lose our dependence on foreign oil without further damaging our home - The EARTH.

    Because, we need to develop alternative forms of energy for transportation and heating. Oil exploration and drilling will continue to lead us down a path that ignores our future needs of energy independence.

    Concentrating on becoming energy independent is of utmost importance in this day and age. We have sent trillions of dollars to the Middle East for oil. What if we kept all this money within the US by being energy independent? Would we be in a financial recession now? The economic and environmental health of the country and world is at stake now and we must move forward to address our energy needs in a responsible manner.

    Of course, those who profit from oil will oppose clean energy and will continue to criticize decisions that do not lead to oil being our main source of energy.
    Good I can ride a horse and when we ride by the Whitehouse, Trigger can leave a little something behind to remember him by!! they said he might do that, but you got to remember there are over 3,500 gas and oil rigs in the Gulf of mexico alone and one day something might happen that could mess up some of the water that is so polluted now that it is a shame by the stuff they been throwing in the mississippi for decades. Yes i know over 3,000 rigs and not one environmental problem and even after Katrina and yes iknown athe deep sea fishermen fish by the rigs themost because it's the best. Take care.
    He is bound and determined to wave a non-existent magic wand to solve our energy problems overnight. What he is gonna do is actually increase our dependence on foreign oil as it will take several years to develop a reasonable mass-produced alternative. Get ready for ten dollar a gallon gas, everybody.
    Why are repubs so against preserving our land? If you guys had a choice of taking a wooded lot and turning it into a park or a hotel, would you pick a hotel? Or I know, how about a parking lot for the mall you'd build down the street over some wetlands?


    KELLY B:

    Detroit has been investing and researching a lot of money the last 4-5 years on exactly that. Have you heard of the Chevy Volt that was just premiered? It will be on the lots whithin 2 years. They just need to bring the price down so everyone can afford it. Have you seen any of the ten plus models from the big three that are hybrids? They are all over the place. Believe me, they know all too well about whats best for this country. They know because they are soon going out of business and that not only leaves them with no money, it leaves 3 million plus people across this country with no job! They know.
    We don't need more oil supply........we need less demand .....and we need Detroit and the auto makers to produce better more fuel efficient vehicles....they have the technology and the capability just not the will to do what's best for the country and not just their pocketbooks!
    Because there are not enough oil reserves in the US to have any affect on the price of oil - excessive drilling in this country will only serve to make rich oil executives richer and will have no affect on our economy.
    Obama is clueless.
    In a last minute move from Bush before he leaves office, he is going to sell Utah land to oil companies to drill. You can drill all you want it still won't be enough to meet US demand!
    Stoney- we've been transferring our wealth to the Arabs for forty years due to crackpot environmentalism. Global warming, cooling, change, what a crock.
    Because he's more loyal to the environmental wacko lobbyists lining his pockets then he is to the American citizen.
    Its not only oil, but natural gas as well. He will drive up the prices by doing this, which in turn gives him more tax revenue!
    Obama will do everything wrong, and this will be a good first step. What a piece of work.
    He doesn't have the executive authority to do anything yet.
    i could so go on and on (and on) about this but to sum it up,,,,,, cause he's a big ole pile of flaming tard

    what a douchebag

    set and match
    ';Wingnut'; knows best. Don't you know that?

    He plans to invent cars that can run on the hot air he spews.

    I'd rather see us develop electric cars. They are A LOT more practical than most people are aware and within 4 years we could change the face of the world and the power structure so that all those oil-rich arabs would become paupers. These are the people who either want to kill all Americans OR support those who want that. Why give them our money?

    If we start drilling oil at the Gulf, will the gas price be $1 something again?

    If we remove Nancy Pelosi and most of the Democrats in the Congress and vote McCain... will we be able to get some oil at the Gulf?

    And will it be $1 something? I hope so. It is so sad to see America go down like this.

    If we have OIL spill at the Gulf, we can always clean it up and take care of the animals.If we start drilling oil at the Gulf, will the gas price be $1 something again?
    What makes you think the American Oil companies will sell all of this oil only to the USA... its a wicked game they play. ExxonMobil sells oil to overseas and you at the same time.

    There is no way to drill to independence without a HUGE - AND I MEAN MAJOR - Social change in the way we consume oil. And, even then the oil companies will just sell off the left overs to Asia - keeping the price high.

    People put way to much faith in corrupt businessmen.

    Watch There Will Be Blood. I think it does a great job of explaining the mentality of Oil Men even a hundred years ago. If we start drilling oil at the Gulf, will the gas price be $1 something again?
    No. We don't have oil reserves sufficient to significantly affect our dependence on foreign oil, or the global price, given our current level of consumption.

    The motivation for increased drilling is to give oil companies access to more stock they can sell at something very much like the current high price, or higher.

    I think those reserves are a national asset, of great strategic value, and should be conserved by national policy.

    Especially since much of our current consumption is unnecessary. It is consumption for luxury purposes. We should not be willing to compromise our national strategic situation for a such a frivolous purpose.

    The luxury lifestyles in question can be maintained with alternate technologies. There are many available for development.

    LOOK, its' the oil Companies that have you by the short and curlies not Nancy Pelosy- it ain't light sweet crude anymore, its' more like asphalt and will continue to remain so indefinitely. So get use to it and stop blaming everybody who isn't always on your side! We need other sources of energy period or get reamed at the pumps as George Bush would have us do in order to enrich his backers- the Saudi's, Bin Laden familly, oil companies and their ilk. You guys could use at least some imagination once and awhile.
    Probably not. As far as oil spills, when have you heard of an oil spill off an oil rig? Isn't it usually from boats? When I was young we wouldn't pay 28 cents because it was too much. Now with China, India, and other countries buying the big cars the demand has gone up and so has the price. If there was more oil on the market then the prices would go down. We need oil. It makes plastic, petroleum jelly, cosmetics, and a host of other everyday needs. It is not just gasoline. People forget that. Our country runs on oil and that won't change anytime soon. We can work on lessening the need, but it won't go away.
    no you can drill as many wells as you want and the price will not drop. Trust me tomorrow they could announce they just struck the largest well ever more oil than all others combined and the price wouldn't drop.

    Do a little research and find just how much of the oil brought into the U.S. actually cost the oil companies over $100 per barrel. It doesn't most have oil fields they own or lease. so the price per barrel is already set.
    We are drilling in in the Gulf of Mexico.

    The oil companies own the oil they drill and sell on the world market so I guess you're saying, without taxes, world wide gas prices would be $1. Do you think you're being reasonable?

    Clean up is very costly and adds to the cost of getting oil. At the same time cleanup is only partial and each spill is one more nail in the coffin of our oceans.
    This isn't like digging in your backyard. If they give go ahead with drilling they'll need to explore find places to drill and pump oil. It will take several years for actual oils to come out of additional drilling. They just tell you like its gona give us extra oil like tomorrow if they give green light today. You're real sucker if you believe this drilling is going to make difference for us anytime soon.
    Nope. Why would oil companies want to flood the market with oil and deflate the price of their own product?

    Doesn't make a lot of sense does it.

    All this talk about drilling or not drilling is a bunch of meaningless hype. The oil companies are making record profits...why would they want the price of gas to drop?
    very unlikely. It would lower the price a small amount for a small amount of time. Then, we'd still be back at the same place. Better, try renewable resources.

    Also, there is NOT an unlimited amount of oil there. It'd run out
    We are already drilling in the gulf. all over the gulf.鈥?/a>

    Get $1 gas out of your head unless God almighty himself becomes president in our corporal world.

    Oh, and actually likes us.
    It's unlikely, this is more about becoming energy independent than lower gas prices. At least that's what I think is more important.
    Yeah... we love oil spills

    Here's a gooder.
    Gas is waaay to expensive these days. Luckily I've found a site that offers free gift cards for it. Life's great when you don't have to pay for your gas =)
    No, but gasoline won't hit $5 a gallon till either the oil dries up or the drilling stops. Gas will probably even drop to $4 a gallon.
    I guess you were too young to remember the massive ecological damage caused by the Exxon Valdez disaster, huh?

    Some people just never *learn*...
    I seriously doubt we will ever see gas in the dollar range again.
    Of course not. McCain in office will be another 4 years of president bush.
    You can take Nancy Pelosi and shove her down an oil well and we would all be better off!!!!!
  • acne scars
  • What type of person wants to take animals off endangered species lists for the sake or drilling oil?

    I'm just saying...What type of person wants to take animals off endangered species lists for the sake or drilling oil?
    A person that likes oil better than animalsWhat type of person wants to take animals off endangered species lists for the sake or drilling oil?
    SOMEONE who does not care and has no remorse!!

    Always thinking the environment is going to replenish herself, and thinks that global warming is not real and that aerial hunting like shooting animals by plane is fun!

    Hunting sucks and she doing all this for her husband so of course thank him for that !!

    they just want money and no I do not think they are representing the people of america that is just the rich! This just shows how corrupted the world is !!
    The ones who are set to make the most money.

    The ones who are financed by oil companies directly and indirectly.

    Its a shame our world is so dependent on oil when the research and findings for alternative methods of power are ignored because its not lucrative enough.

    I feel guilty because I drive a car.

    idiots that want to make money by drilling oil and selling it to become rich! lokk at Iraq and Iran and they are always having wars there (id hate to know how many murders are on the news each day!!) over oil. Im not being racist, Im just saying that they want to make money out of the fact that their environment can be drilled into to to retreive oil!!

    They kill poor animals just to make cars and mechanical items work!!



    the same kind of person who thinks NO form of birth control is right, and likes to compete in beauty pageants.
    the people rip us off selling us oil and keep us hooked on oil
    I really want 2 answer this, but I'll hold my thoughts.

    Does it anger you that the democrats are fighting oil drilling?

    harry reid and nancy pelosi are the reason you are being gouged at the pump.

    vote them out-Does it anger you that the democrats are fighting oil drilling?
    Are you insane?

    I am angry that Republicans want to drill for more oil!

    DO YOU NOT GET IT?? The more we use, the more expensive it is!!!

    I don't care about the price hike, as long as it gets the ignorant masses to really consider alternative energies!!Does it anger you that the democrats are fighting oil drilling?
    To bring the price of oil down to say forty dollars a barrel. There would have to be in fact a new oil find every day for the next month and of high quality oil. There is different qualities of oil and the high grade oil is running out faster than the worst quality oil. We will never see the price of oil below a hundred dollars again. Two reasons the fall in the value of the dollar against other currencies and the reduced supply of new oil fields.
    You get my vote for best question ever! Environmentalist literally control this country through the democrat party and drilling for oil in Alaska or anywhere else is not going to effect the environment. The State Capitol of Oklahoma has three working oil pumps on the lawn of their Capitol Building. Oil pumps and well sites are all over Texas (my state) and in the Gulf of Mexico, yet we see no ill effects on our beaches or anywhere else. France, the great diamond of liberalism and admired by liberals everywhere, is literally filled with nuclear reactors, yet we have a handful - and all because of DEMOCRATS and the fact that they are joined at the lips with environmentalist.
    It's also the environmentalist groups. They prefer that we buy Arab oil and not drill in Alaska or the gulf lest some seals or other animal gets injured. And they don't want additional nuclear power plants to be built.

    I wonder if these people turn on their lights at night, or cycle everywhere, or whether they use flush toilets.

    True - the democrats also want to raise taxes. So we get high gas prices, high heating costs, ridiculously high food prices, and increased taxes to boot. What's left over?
    Yes and it's too bad. We are either going to keep the country or the oil barons and other foreign investors will take over the country because of the money exchanged for oil. It is dragging our economy down. If the politicians were honest, they would let the USA geologists develop the oil and coal fields to supply our glut for oil. I really think the dems are waiting for the outcome of the election to come up with the oil idea (that is on the table already) and claim it as their own. Too bad that they are paid by our taxes and yet they do not let us take care of ourselves and continue to block development in government protected land or let increased exploration take place. So they continue to argue that it is the Presidents fault and continue to play the shell game.
    Absolutely. The US has fields in Anwar that are specifically set aside for oil drilling. Yet the dems won't let us touch them. I think we need to stay on our path of finding alternative energy means meanwhile drilling in these places, like off the coast of Florida, so we can be oil independent.
    The Democrats are about dis empowerment of the American people. Which means no right to self defense, you ride the government bus, no right to life abortions for all would be citizens, illegals have the right of way
    Sure, but it angers me even more that some Republicans are fighting oil drilling. They basically have given in to pressure from the activists for the sake of their cushy jobs.
    yes, as a matter of fact I feel that an invegistation should be conducted to determine who is involved in blocking this and how much is being paid to their reelecton campaings and which groups are paying it.
    No, it angers me you have a question that causes division.
    I wish I could.
    You bet your bottom dollar I am angry !
    Yes, I am angry!

    What do you think drilling oil in USA with the refinery low and the dollar weaken?

    what do you mean refinery low? - your question is hard to understandWhat do you think drilling oil in USA with the refinery low and the dollar weaken?
    I think it would make my stock prices go up.

    How come Congress is more concerned about steroid usage in baseball than about off-shore oil drilling?

    Excellent point! It is because our congress is a bunch of rather self-serving, obnoxious characters. The heck with the American people, let us spend valuable time questioning non-essential subjects. Ever listen to a Congressman interview a person from government or the private sector? 75% of the question is about how good he is and what he is doing for America. I did this and I did that.....stupid bunch of lawyers, most of them.How come Congress is more concerned about steroid usage in baseball than about off-shore oil drilling?
    They're not.

    I don't know how they started investigating baseball, but Congress covers many issues.

    The off-shore drilling question has been here since at least the late '60s. It's rare for a new question to be raised during an election year.

    McCain will take this until he stops scoring political points. That's OK though, we're talking about politics. (That's what these folks do for a living, eh?)

    Every election year 'issues' will arise that catch the public attention, one of those this year, is the drilling. It's not that Congress isn't concerned with it (Reid needs about 8 Republicans to come to his side of the aisle, Pelosi has announced a way she'll deal with it) but the issues are handled differently.

    If for example, McCain will score with his call for drilling (even though he knows it can't happen) he'll continue. If Reid and Pelosi (Democratic leaders because Congress is presently in their hands) quietly deal with it, then their candidate, Obama, might stop McCain's shots from scoring.

    This isn't a game but I'm using these metaphors because they're convenient.

    After the election, we won't hear about drilling, we'll hear about something else.

    Steroids? Remember the big deal the media was making? If Congress did nothing then they'd be accused of lazying around. Their political cycles are different than presidents', so they're not always apparently responding to residents' wants when attention is paid to DC.How come Congress is more concerned about steroid usage in baseball than about off-shore oil drilling?
    That is easy- they need to keep the lobbyist that pay them nicely happy. So, they will avoid drilling and chalk it up to the fact that it won't take care of the problem fast enough (Richardson, Pelosi) , you know instant gratification is what the Liberals are all about. I don't care if it takes 20 years to eventually get us off foreign oil if we would just start now and work towards a goal of eventually telling all the other Countries to piss-off!!! Realistically it wont take even a few years of drilling and using our other natural resources to become more independent but they will not share that information with you.
    They are very concerned about off shore drilling. The trouble is that they don't want to, and so are going against the American peoples best interests.

    There is an agenda at work here, and they are working very hard at making it happen.

    If you want to see some of what their up to, look up Kyoto Protocol in Wikipedia, scroll to United States, then click on Cap, and Trade bill.

    This will have no good outcome, and both of our presidential candidates are for it, so we are screwed!

    McCain is lying about his view on drilling...He is for Kyoto which is the exact opposite side of the fence.

    Harry Reid was on TV the other night saying that ';Americans burning fuel are filling his lungs full of poison.'; He also went on to say that he hopes that fuel will get to $7-9 a gallon, so people quit all unnecessary driving. I think he should be put in prison for saying that, because he is supposed to represent the American people. When did we become a Communist nation anyway? America won't last much longer with leaders like these!
    Good point, there is a new energy bill coming from Neil Abercrombie (Dem from Hawaii) and John Peterson (Repub from Pennsylvania) are attempted to get a bill passed that seems to follow the kitchen sink strategy, throw every (drilling, alternate energy, etc) at the problem, and for once it seems like a valid attempt, not something to get votes or push their interest.

    I could be wrong though, i hope I'm not
    Because states decide about off shore drilling on their coasts. If they're stupid enough to allow it, let them get everything set up, then ban it federally. The gas would take about 10 years to reach the market anyways (same with ANWAR) Make them leave the derricks up, and use the loss of tourists as the punishment.

    Offshore drilling and drilling in ANWAR are two issues that the American public as a whole are completely stupid about.
    Easy. Most people are too stupid to understand off-shore

    drilling, but they respond to sensationalized, embellished,

    simplistic issues like steroid usage, gay marriage, and drug

    use, so that's what the legislature panders to.
    It's a distraction issue without any serious implications. It gives the politicians a chance to stand on their soapbox and preach moralistic values to the public while ignoring issues that really matter to the people.
    Because they represent an electorate that is too stupid to understand or care about anything that does not concern sports and entertainment. This is probably the only thing that will be left to satiate thr American public when martial law is implemented.
    They want to score some points. Anyway, this is old news. The Election, as well as the Credit and Mortgage Crisis, are the biggest issues right now. That, and the New England Patriots' Spygate Scandal are big right now.
    Their next case will be if the Minnesota Vikings staff actually did try to persuade Brett Favre.

    I agree, keep out of business' business. Worry about the whole countries concerns before anything.
    They are playing games as usual, using the time left in session to justify their pay.

    If America were smarter, they would see their mistake and not vote them in again.
    They have a fear of important issues. They will soon feel the backlash caused by their ineptitude.
    cause sports money (lobby) is clean money.....

    why do we allow congress to meddle in sports to begin with.......
    Anything to aviod doing actual ';work';
    Nothing in sports should ever be discussed in Congress. What a colossal waste of time.
    because all of politics is about how well u distract the public and avoid issues

    Is oil drilling being used as a wedge issue?

    Yep...NeoCons know they can't win on the wedge issues of abortion or gay marriage this time.

    WayneRight: From a NeoCon, I'll take that as a compliment.

    Have you posted your latest chain email yet? NeoCons accept their chain emails as gospel truth.

    They don't realize those chain emails are originally written by a 14 year old in mom's basement.

    Yeah truth seeker, the sad fact was he had to dig through his chain emails to find that put-down.

    Nobody report this WayneRight guy. I want everybody to see a good NeoCon reaction.Is oil drilling being used as a wedge issue?
    No, it is used to highlight the stupidity of our energy policy in Congress. Why wouldnt we drill for more oil? China is getting the go ahead to drill off our own coasts due to deals with Cuba. I would trust an American company that can add to our coffers way more then the Chinese. Also, if Canada wanted they could get at the oil in Anwar through drilling by the border and then import it to us. So again why not get at it now.

    Yes, it may take ten years to get the oil but that wouldnt matter as it would reduce the price of oil speculation because they would see that the supply would be greater in the future.

    Speculation is good, it is the basis for capitalism. To think otherwise would mean that in places like agriculture the farmers in stead of dropping their produce of at the grain elevators would have to find a consumer to buy it right at the time of harvest.

    Energy prices effects all sectors of our economy. So to think the idea of actually reducing oil prices is a wedge issue show a complete lack of understanding of our economy and of capitalism itself.

    Windfall profit taxes is a wedge issue, that has its roots in Marxism. What is a windfall profit? Remember the govt makes way more of each gallon of gasoline then the oil companies and for doing absolutely nothing. The govt. doesnt drill, transport or refine it, but it gets its 40% (without having to re-invest) of the profits and its cut at the pump. Also, what would that do to everyones retirment accounts? Go check your 401K, I almost garuantee that you are invested in the energy sector. So to hurt the oil companies, hurts your stock portfolio.Is oil drilling being used as a wedge issue?
    you better believe it. Republicans owned the White House and both Houses of Congress from 2000-2006. why didn't they drill then???????? They just are doing what they do best - pointing fingers.......

    ';wayne right'; is an excellent example of using a Republican technique. When a wedge issue isn't working, resort to a personal attack.
    It's more of a red herring - to point at to protect the oil industry from being examined for price gouging, and to protect the car industry from fuel efficiency standards.
    At least they picked an issue that matters this time. I won't work because it's too important for NeoCons to care about.
    Bearcat you're a Wanker! Oh and a Pinko Commie.

    Good Democrats. Do you feel let down if Hillary endorse Obama ?

    I don't care what anyone tell me. I will NEVER vote for B Obama HusseinGood Democrats. Do you feel let down if Hillary endorse Obama ?
    Well, I'm not a democrat, but I sure agree with you...I, too, will never vote for oh bummer.

    It is really heartening to see so many Democrats putting the the welfare of our country before party politics.Good Democrats. Do you feel let down if Hillary endorse Obama ?
    so why wont u vote for him? because of his name? because of his race?

    hillary and obama pretty much have the same views and differ from mccain greatly....

    if you vote for a candidate for the issues then supporting hillary and then not supporting obama would be idiotic

    they are both against the war in iraq and want to withdraw

    mccain wants to stay for a LONG time

    they both are against off shore drilling

    mccain wants to

    they both want to repeal the bush tax cuts that help the very wealthy while keeping the tax cuts for middle-class and lower-class citizen

    mccain wants to continue the bush tax cuts

    if you vote for mccain you vote for at least 4 more years of a bush administration

    i liked mccain in 2000 when he wasnt afraid to stand up to the conservative right from off shore drilling, immigration to tax cuts

    now he has become one of them... .....';maverick no more';

    Hasn't she already done so by agreeing to campaign for him, in my estimation, that is an endorsement! I don't think she is doing it with all of her heart, I sure couldn't do it! I'm not going to vote for him either, I will vote for McCain instead, although I'm not much happier with him than with Obama!
    Im glad your not voting for Obama. He doesnt need your vote. He will get enough anyway.
    Fcuk you
  • acne scars
  • Do you support offshore oil drilling or do you support inflating your tires ?;鈥?/a>Do you support offshore oil drilling or do you support inflating your tires ?
    well i'll tell you most people dont even know how much air is correct, seriously, do you check it in the morning/ afternoon? after driving? do you follow the presure on the tire or the car manual? The fact is the consumer is poorly taught on tire inflation and as such either are too high or too low on the tires. so Obama's sugjestion could result in car accidents due to over inflated or run flat conditions.Then how about the person goes out to check the tire , puts the gauge on and it wont stop leaking? tow companys are gonna rake up the money. Drilling is done by very well trained experts and will reduce our need and concerns about foreign oil controlling this nation. one more point to those who have dreams of the Electric car solving our needs. our electric companys cant keep up with present needs of homes and buisnesses and your only going to trade the price you pay exon for the price you pay edison.Do you support offshore oil drilling or do you support inflating your tires ?
    I support states being the ones to decide whether or not to allow offshore drilling.

    I also support taking small actions such as keeping your tires properly inflated, recommended oil changes, chaning oil filters, etc. to keep your car engine running effeciently as possible.

    I think it will take a mix of new exploration for domestic oil and gas (including offshore drilling), investment and R%26amp;D into alternative energies (solar, hydrogen, nuclear, clean coal) and more effecient cars to wean America from oil (imported or produces domestically).

    Hopefully with the right amount of time, say 15 - 25 years, we can figure it out.
    i for one am thinking that these high oil prices is better for the long run....

    oil was once cheap ..about 99 cents a gallon about 12 years ago....we had no real motivation to run our cars and planes on alternative fuel, it was the quick easy way to run our country

    oil is not a renewable energy source and will eventually run out

    now these high oil prices are opening up politicians and the publics eyes.... which is good..imagine 20 or 30 years from now our cars running on wind, solar or water (or a combination of the 3)...this would save us a ton of money

    the oil lobbiests want to control our politicians by convincing us to drill for more and deflect us from alternative fuel....

    i say no to offshore drilling and yes to to a huge budget increase in alternative fuel research

    creating a standard for minimum mileage on new cars is a MUST....especially with these huge trucks and suvs hogging all the supply, not to mention hummers
    I personally is capable of inflating my tires and have no control over off-shore drilling. So I'll do my part by keeping the tires properly inflated and rely on Obama's comprehensive plan for the rest.

    Both are necessary but only transitionally.

    See the links at this question for a peek at things to come.;鈥?/a>

    It's a false choice.

    I support Obama's comprehensive plan, explained here:鈥?/a>
    I support investing the corporate welfare we would have given big oil to build a 20 billion dollar refinery to developing new technology and moving other technology forward (e.g. batteries).
    Well, after giving it 5 or 10 seconds of deep thought, I'm going with the drilling. Tire gages are flying off the shelves-the McCain campaign bought them all up to give away with campaign donations.
    This question is a horrible manifestation of the ';with us or against us'; logic brought to us by the Bush Administration.
    I support drilling my girlfriend who has inflated breasts.
    Hell yeah, they can even drill on my 3 properties.
    Inflating my tires. You'll find out what that's all about when you're old enough to drive.
    Drill here drill now.

    Barry's EGO is inflated about the size of EUROPE.
    I would rather inflate my tires. It works ya know. Guess what doesnt work, offshore drilling!

    If all restrictions on oil drilling in the USA were removed, could America produce enough to be independent?

    Yes, we could........but I still think that we need to move away from oil and toward something better for the environment, and less costly to produce. NO, ethanol is not the answer!If all restrictions on oil drilling in the USA were removed, could America produce enough to be independent?
    with all the oil we still have we could supply the world.

    How will drilling for oil in the arctic negatively affect our future?

    I have to give a debate in school tommarow and need to come up with several points on how drilling in the arctic will negativley affect us. ThanksHow will drilling for oil in the arctic negatively affect our future?
    WHY DON'T YOU DO YOUR OWN HISTORY HOMEWORK FOR ONCE SACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How will drilling for oil in the arctic negatively affect our future?
    not sure if this will help, but besides the environmental risks, unless the project starts really soon, it wont help industry. If you factor in future inflation, it will be more profitable to import oil if the project is delayed only two years. this is inevitable to happen because of the lengthy process of passing bills
    it wont affect people one bit ,lots of bad things we do dont affect us. but it will have huge costs on the environment, we proomised not to drill in the arctic to protect its wildlife, so now we are given a choice, destroy and follow our greed, or sacrifice and do the right thing.

    Oil windfall tax or lift the ban on offshore oil drilling?

    Which proposal do you support for reducing the gas price?


    Do you feel that either one will have an effect on the price of gas at the pump?Oil windfall tax or lift the ban on offshore oil drilling?
    Tax the living day lights out of the Oil Companies and regulate the price. Force them to pay the tax out of their profitsOil windfall tax or lift the ban on offshore oil drilling?
    both idea's will not do anything to the price at the pump, actually, oil windfall tax will be passed on to the consumer, and drilling off shore by Americans and their top salaries and being and American product ( remember this is why we buy everything overseas, American products are more expensive) will also be passed on to the consumer, so both idea's will increase the price, good luck with that dream
    Look at the reality; if there is a windfall profits tax it will just be passed on to the consumer by jumping the price of gas to eight bucks. We wind up paying any taxes.

    Increase the supply; drill-drill-drill; just like all the other countries in the world are doing to supply their oil. They observe how we are stupidly not drilling in our own back yard and being shafted at the pumps; but we all know how smart americans are by looking at the people in congress and the senate.
    lift the ban.

    Putting an additional tax on the oil companies will only further raise the price of gas. As of July 1st, several states are increasing their state tax on gasoline. In KY they are raising the tax one and a half cents per gallon, from .21 to .225 .

    It's supply and demand. If we can increase the supply, then we can start lowering prices, since we will meet demand.

    good luck.
    Taxing the oil companies will lower the price of gas how? They will pass the cost onto the consumer. Offshore drilling won't necessarily lower the price either (at least not in the short term) but it will make the US less dependent on OPEC.

    Do Americans' get paid for oil drilling on public/federally owned lands?

    Just stick to the facts no politics please.Do Americans' get paid for oil drilling on public/federally owned lands?
    It's a spooky question exactly how much (if any) money the General Fund gets paid for successful (or not) oil exploration on public lands. The Federal Mining Act allows free prospecting, and mining claims for less than coffee money. Good luck getting American Big Oil to admit to exporting one barrel of oil for every two they import to create a local shortage, to gouge the gasoline price, much less taking everyone's publicly owned oil in the ground on public lands essentially for free, and exporting half of it also during this time of shortage. Whether this is seen as facts or politics, is in the wallet of the beholder. Regards, Larry.
  • acne scars
  • Will mineral rights to one's land be affected if onshore oil drilling is passed?

    Is it true that Joe Kennedy bought up a lot of mineral rights to land and when that land is sold buyers may not be aware that someone else may profit from their land.Will mineral rights to one's land be affected if onshore oil drilling is passed?
    The mineral rights may or may not be transferred when land is sold. It depends on the state laws and the contract for purchase. In many states, the mineral rights are not transferred with the deed.

    As for the effect of oil drilling; the land surrounding the well will be affected. Those who own the mineral rights need to determine if any oil is being removed from the land they control the rights to.

    Do you really believe that we can solve our reliance on foreign oil by drilling more offshore?

    First, state your age, state you reside in, and political affiliation.Do you really believe that we can solve our reliance on foreign oil by drilling more offshore?

    Drilling for more oil is just a temporary solution. Oil is limited in this world. We have the technology to rely on other sources of energy, like wind, solar, electric, hyrdo, nuclear, etc. We should be focusing on these LONG TERM solutions instead.

    The benefit of using less oil and working on long term solutions is that the oil in this world will last longer. Don't forget that oil isn't just used for cars. It is used in every-day personal items and products.

    If we just drill for more oil and don't try to cut our reliance on it, all of our products will hike up in price eventually. The more we use, the less we have, which brings us closer to high prices products that use oil (like cosmetics, plastics, rubber, stationaries, etc).Do you really believe that we can solve our reliance on foreign oil by drilling more offshore?
    We can't completely solve our reliance on foreign oil by drilling more offshore and doing nothing else. However, as an overall strategy combined with things like alternative energy, hybrid vehicles, nuclear energy, coal, improved gas mileage on vehicles (perhaps even getting rid of crap vehicles like SUVs) etc. it makes sense to do so. There is such a thing as long term planning and if something odd were to happen, wouldn't it be better to have something instead of nothing as a back-up plan?
    Age 43

    State California

    Political Affiliation Non Partisan (I do not select a party)

    We can solve our reliance on foriegn oil with a variety of things including off shore drilling. Oil is used for a lot more then moving cars and trucks; we need it. We have enough to drill here for 35 to 50 years and that time frame is ideal to bringing on line new technologies and replacing oil as the primary energy source.
    45, ca, undeclared. No. I'm disappointed in all the respondents advocating offshore drilling as part of a comprehensive energy plan. I don't trust the oil corporations as far as I could throw them. As long as they can squeeze one more drop from the ground they'll fight development of any green alternatives. ';I'll quit drinking, Doc. Right after this last shot.';
    No, my question is why did Republicans not approve drilling when they had control of congress in 2005 and we were freaking out about 3gal gas. Just a political stunt. Us tax payer already gave oil companies millions in land grants that they are not using it. Computer generation, Mich, Liberal
    Why would your ';firsts'; make a difference. It a matter of facts, not who you are. I don't think it would end reliance, but it certainly couldn't increase it, could it? To make a blanket statement that we WILL find alternative energy sources (when we've spent trillions of dollars and millions of man-hours trying to discover a cure for cancer with no luck) and not have a backup plan is irresponsible. We're not talking about a backup plan for your backyard BBQ, we're talking about having a backup plan for a country.
    49, PA, Democrat

    The more oil we drill now, the cheaper it will be for China to expand their economy. It will have no effect on the US economy.

    Better to leave it in the ground and use other people's oil and save ours for a ';rainy day';.
    Yse we can. But we also have to do everything, like build nuke plants use water power wind solar EVERYTHING.

    Not like pelosi and the rest of the loser dems, they want nothing done.

    47/NY (unfortunately) Republican (staunch)
    We use to drill here; but greed and unions made it easier to buy from the Middle East cheaper than we could drill for it ourselves. Now it has gotten so expensive to is time to drill again.


    Yes we can solve forgein reliance of oil by drilling offshore. How else would we decrease dependency other than by doing it here- it is kinda a no brainer.
    Uh...yeah....if we drill for more oil that will increase our supply and reduce the amount we get from abroad...right?

    If we import corn from another country and then we decide to plant our own corn wouldn't we need to import less?
    24, florida, independent.

    I feel it is a step. The oil crisis will need to be solved with many methods.
    No we can get oil from outer space. (sarcasm)

    37/Texas/ Independent
    39 , NY (NYC) , None

    We can never truly solve our ';foreign'; oil problem but drilling can't hurt!
    No I don't because it won't! I'm old enough to know better, MO and none of your business!

    If off-shore oil drilling is allowed how much can we expect to see the prices of gasoline drop?

    all the articles in newsweek etc quote government experts who say an unmeasurable low amount.

    .If off-shore oil drilling is allowed how much can we expect to see the prices of gasoline drop?
    Well to begin with anyone that works for the gov't and is called an expert is anything but.

    The mere approval of increased oil production will make opec increase production causing speculators to wince. A month ago Bush rescinded the presidential ban on offshore drilling and oil prices have been going down since. Gas prices lagged about 10-14 days. Of course the the group of 10 and the house members that stayed in the house demanding Pelosi open back up to have a vote on drilling has helped to keep speculators at bay.If off-shore oil drilling is allowed how much can we expect to see the prices of gasoline drop?
    Over what time frame?

    Offshore drilling will not likely lower gas prices. Instead it will slow the RISE of gas prices. Instead of $5 gas in five years we may be able to slow that increase to only $4.50.

    The global demand for oil will outpace even extreme efforts at exploration and drilling. New discoveries peaked in the 1970's. Aside from short-term fluctuations gas has been rising since then.

    There are an estimated 18 billion barrels of oil offshore (source: White House). Assuming we could extract it at a rate of 5 million barrels per day, That would add only about 5% to world supply. So assuming demand remains constant (which obviously it won't) we might expect a best case scenario of a 5% reduction in price of oil and gas. Which is about a reduction from $4 to $3.80 per gallon of gas.

    Also, extraction of the 18 billion barrels of oil at a rate of 5 million barrels per day would last only about 8 years and then be empty. (do the math)

    Hey JoeBob below, its ignorant to think Bush's comments had an effect on oil prices. Even the White House admits the drop is due to lower demand. US oil demand has dropped to the lowest level since 2003. That HUGE drop in demand is what has led to falling oil prices. But still, oil is about 60% higher than last year. Nice try.
    The price of oil is set by the world trading community. No one is going to sell oil for less than they can make on the world market. If the offshore fields manage to extract it cheaply, they make money, you don't gain.

    If you don't buy at their price, they will sell overseas. What are you going to do? The only alternative is to buy overseas.
    The cost of offshore drilling and completion of wells will more likely increase the price of all Petroleum products.

    Wait and see Mr. thumbs downer. How long have you worked in Oil and Gas ???
    Not much. Those large drilling plants that they put out they cost A HELL OF A LOT in maintenance.

    What really needs to be approved is drilling ON the mainland.

    What are some problems with offshore oil drilling?

    No environmental ones whatsover. No offshore oil platform has leaked since 1963, including hundreds in the face of Hurricanes Katrina and Ike and others.

    Only problem is irrational fear and groundless opposition.

    The people of Santa Barbara, California, where there are several, have no problems with the offshore oil platforms, and many fishermen go close to the platforms as fish like to congregate around and beneath them.What are some problems with offshore oil drilling?
    Contrary to what Mark specifies, there have been continuing and excessive leakage problems in Hibernia fields off NewFoundLand and right in the middle of the Grand Banks fisheries.

    The Hibernia fields have not yet been hit by an iceberg, but it is a clear risk. Icebergs often float by within a couple km of the drilling platforms.

    But the main risk is that we will use up all of our fossil fuels and be left with no final reserve when we are no longer able to use up all the fuel from other countries. We could put that down to an absolute certainty if we do not cut down on our rate of consumption.

    The plan all along has been to exhaust all the reserves in other countries before we turn to draining our own last few barrels. That still looks like a good plan. But also, people who assume the price of fuel will go down as more reserves are tapped should note that as natural gas supplies are now almost adequate, most drilling has stopped, because the new gas comes at a higher cost. It is not economic to bring it to market if the price moves too low.

    We will see our own industry deciding to defer drilling to ensure the price does not drop.What are some problems with offshore oil drilling?
    Unexpected oil spills, endangering marine lives.
    Only ONE problem:


    Where can I find info about water aquifers on Fort Berthold Indain Reservation and the effects of oil drilling?

    googleWhere can I find info about water aquifers on Fort Berthold Indain Reservation and the effects of oil drilling?
    Go to the United States Geological Survey webpage

    Click on the link for water, and then navigate to your state...they've got a ton of real-time and archived data.Where can I find info about water aquifers on Fort Berthold Indain Reservation and the effects of oil drilling?
    stick with your state data, not the federal gov stuff.

    How do I find out about a Geograhical map of Washita County, Oklahoma? Possible Oil Well drilling?

    I need to find a section of land in Washita county, Oklahoma. I have the legal description, I just need to find a map showing me where it is located.How do I find out about a Geograhical map of Washita County, Oklahoma? Possible Oil Well drilling? do I find out about a Geograhical map of Washita County, Oklahoma? Possible Oil Well drilling?, you can enter the section, township and range from the legal description and bingo, you are there.

    of course, the old fashioned way would be to stop by the county courthouse and pick up a county map from the assessors office.

    what else can be better than google maps
  • acne scars
  • What are your thoughts on McCain defending his ';position switch'; on offshore oil drilling?

    He flip-fopped because it became politically expedient to change his mind. For such an environmentalist and maverick in he's party he's really turned out to be a hypocrite and a coward. It's not going to have huge longterm effects except on the environment. Even if the US drilled all over the country we'd only have 2-3% of the needed national supply.

    McCain needs to stop pretending to be an environmentalist. McCain has a 0 rating while Obama has a 96 from The Conservation Society. If he was a such an environmentalist he wouldn't support offshore drilling and the gas tax holiday which would increase carbon emissions.What are your thoughts on McCain defending his ';position switch'; on offshore oil drilling?
    Both candidates flipflopped last week. I think it's important to determine who benifits from each.

    McCain changed his mind about drilling offshore when gasoline passed the $4.50/gallon mark. I think, even though some are against it, he made a decision that will ultimately benifit the American people.

    Obama changed his mind about public campaign finance. If he was the man I thought I knew, he would have stuck to his word and donated his windfall to a deserving charity. Obama doesn't like to talk about them, but over half of his contributions have come from large doners like Chase and Morgan Stanley. I would say that going back on his word will benifit himself and his large monied contributors, not Americans. Like it or not, Obama has crawled into bed with the very people he was going to Washington to fight.What are your thoughts on McCain defending his ';position switch'; on offshore oil drilling?
    Pretty sharp move, as the news got worse for Americans at the pump he switch in order to help Americans. I wonder why Obama doesn't do the same on the war with us winning it. Seems to me to be a good time to come out and say that he would stay until the victory is complete instead of wanting to surrender with the victory in sight. He could learn something from the more experienced John McCain on when to realize that you may have been wrong on an issue.

    Add: Position Change is not always a bad thing. If your for abortion agianst abortion for abortion, that would be considered waffeling and also bad, because your not being clear on your positon. For example, Obama was for NAFTA, Against NAFTA, now back to being For NAFTA until as we get close to the November election and he starts trying to get the Unions to vote for him. Then he will be against NAFTA again. That is not a postion change, that is waffling or flip-flopping, I hope I cleared that up.
    My complaint with offshore drilling was/is the Fed gets the royalty, around 25%, and the states get any problems which arise. It would be nice to think some of McCain's problems with off shore drilling then, have been addressed and solved, now. Also drilling when gasoline is $4.00, doesn't hurt as much as when drilling offshore when gasoline is $1.00 per gallon. We are asking Saudi Arabia to increase production when they are producing 10 million barrels per day, and the USA oil production is 8.3 million barrels per day, without drilling offshore. Also Iraq has the reserves to produce as much oil as Saudi Arabia per day, and the USA has gone to Iraq and 1.3 million Iraqi have been murdered, their infrastructure destroyed, and they are producing only around 1.5 million barrels per day. At one time Iraq produced 4.5 million barrels per oil per day. If Iraq were producing 4.5 million barrels per day gasoline might still be $1.00 per gallon. So rather than point flip flop fingers at McCain, we should be pointing out that its the bad guys directing Congress to do stupid things, like demand the president invade and bomb Iraq, which will send the price of gasoline through the roof. The problem is not oil supply or a desire for peace, its the bad guys demand for high oil prices which comes through war.
    While I might disagree with McCain's original reasons for NOT advocating offshore drilling, I can also understand that he made his recent ';flip'; in a new environment... an environment of rapidly rising oil prices that makes off shore drilling (regardless of your earlier opinions) not only more economically feasible but simply necessary for the country's survival. If anything the ';flip'; does reflect that McCain can change when given new information or in light of new events.

    Wouldn't YOU want that in a President?
    He's a politician.

    Regarding the idea its OK for one side and not the other...ummm no.

    However, there's a difference between changing your position and saying, when you do change your position, you never changed it.

    Generally speaking, THAT is the big difference between a Democrat flip vs. a Republican flip.

    Of course Democrat morons, I am not saying that's always the case, just that it is usually the case. I know we can all show each other's side doing whatever, but it is far easier to find Democrat examples than the other side.
    I find it silly that people think if we drill for more oil, it will somehow drive the price down. It will take 5 years for us to get that oil and process it. By that time, we will be on to better things ~ cleaner, better fuel economy cars, and other sources of fuel.

    The problem is with the speculation going on in Wall Street. There is plenty of oil out there, there is no reason for the price to be going sky-high. Blame Wall Street.

    The people who think we need to drill for more oil remind me of all the people who voted for Bush in the last election because they wanted ';cheap gas';.

    Guess what?!
    I believe off shore drilling should be tapped and the states that don't participate should have to pay the high gas prices, cuz we allow drilling here and we have never had a spill, even during massive hurricanes. McCain's got my vote no matter what he does. Short of putting on a too too and dancing a jig.
    Perhaps Senator McCain realizes that it is no longer prudent to be financing the governments that wish to do us harm, and that the money spent on oil is better off left in the USA, and not Iran or Saudi Arabia.
    Why is anyone ever surprise when a politician, especially one running for president, switches his position on one topic or another? It'll happen 500 others times in the next, what, 4 months?, so get used to it.
    he realized that his previous view was incorrect and finally saw the light. As long as he tells everyone from here on out that he wants to drill it's not a flip flop. It's a change of policy.
    Let's see, when he originally was against drilling gas was about 2.00 dollars a gallon, not its near 4.00. Don't you wish you were paying a lot less for gas?
    The needs of the country change and a good leader recognizes that. Gas wasn't over $4.00 a gallon when he initially opposed drilling. Now it is.
    Everybody comes around sooner or later.
    It won't play very well in California.
    I like to drink wine on Friday night. If I was Pregnant I would choose not to......... things change things......

    What are two serious problems that have come about because of oil drilling in the niger delta??

    Wow you should really read up on this. It is a truely horrible environmental disaster. I am surprised that it receives so little media coverage. National Geographic recently did a story on it. I won't answer your question here because I hope readers will investigate this crisis and maybe with enough world outrage someone will do something to protect what is left of this fragile delta.

    How does the void created by drilling oil from the core of the earth get filled or what happens to it ??

    Every time a gallon of oil is extracted from the earths core, what happens to that space ?? Is it ever filled back, is it left as a void ??.How does the void created by drilling oil from the core of the earth get filled or what happens to it ??
    While the oil is actually being removed from the earth it isn't filled up. But after the well is abandoned it is usually filled in with cement. Most states have regulations requiring plugging of wells as they are taken out of service.

    If you want more information on how the oil drilling process works (or anything else for that matter) check out the site below. It's really cool.How does the void created by drilling oil from the core of the earth get filled or what happens to it ??
    the crust of the earth is miles thick.. no 1 has been able to drill beyond it.. then u have the mantle that is thousand of miles thick. the void will be a void untill it is displaced

    What is your oppinion on drilling oil in New Mexico?

    i have homework on drilling oil in the Gulf of Mexico and i am not into that kind of stuff...So plz. tell me what you think!What is your oppinion on drilling oil in New Mexico?
    They should drill in every conceivable area in the united statesWhat is your oppinion on drilling oil in New Mexico?
    Here are a couple of sites you can use for your homework.

    PDF] Geology and Resources of Some World Oil-Shale Deposits

    2430k - Adobe PDF - View as html

    Geology and Resources of Some World Oil-Shale Deposits. Cover. ... geographic position. Bacterial remains can be volumetrically鈥?br>

    Oil Shale Deposits | Maps, Geology %26amp; Resources

    An introduction to oil shale and oil shale deposits by John Dyni, USGS ... plant debris that depend on the depositional environment and geographic position.
    I think we should look to alternative measures of gaining energy sources, primarily through wind or water.

    I didn't answer your question on purpose because you need to do your homework yourself. Even though you're not ';interested'; that's something that will directly affect you when you're older (you sound young).
    Gulf of Mexico is no where near New Mexico. We have been drilling there (off the coasts of Louisiana and Texas) for along time, no leaks or major spills, what is the problem. The oil platforms have created its own eco system.
    Drill in New Mexico %26amp; the GoM %26amp; ANWR %26amp; La %26amp; Tx and off the coast of Fla %26amp; Ca and New England ....