Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can anyone tell me why Congressional democrats consistantly vote against oil drilling or Nuke Power ?

Time and time again...






Then they have the nerve to say, like Nancy Pelosi did a year ago, that they, the dems will lower gas prices.

You're doing a fine job, Nanc!Can anyone tell me why Congressional democrats consistantly vote against oil drilling or Nuke Power ?
Gas was $2.19 when the Democrat Congress took control. They promised to solve our energy crisis, obviously NOT.

Four years ago the oil companies went to Congress wanting to drill and have not gotten an answer yet.

It is the power of the Environmentalist and the global warming fanatics that have our energy shut down. Just last week Nancy and friends wanted to tax us 6.7 trillion dollars to tax those that use more energy than projected. The Republicans have stalled the Bill. It was the highest proposed tax bill in our history, including the income tax. So at a time when we are having an energy crisis and there is no alternative their answer is to tax or cap and trade energy. Somehow this is suppose to make us use less and if we do not we get to buy credits from Al Gore's specialty companies, which of course he will make a profit off of. He has been pushing this Global Warming and has the world in a freak in Hysteria over nothing. Obviously our leaders that we voted in do not want to listen to us so we need to make our voices heard and demand they start drilling NOW.

Your answer is the very liberal ENVIRONMENTALIST that expect us to run this country on Dandelion Juice or something.Can anyone tell me why Congressional democrats consistantly vote against oil drilling or Nuke Power ?
Oil drilling in general there is no voting on. In particular you are talking about ANWR that is because it was set aside as a National Wildlife Refuge and a Congressional vote is need to overturn the protection.

As far as nuclear power. Show us where any company has applied for the permit to build a new nuclear plant. Again there would be no Congressional vote involved in approving or disapproving a nuclear power plant. There would be EPA and other government agencies approval needed but no Congressional vote.
I wish I could give you a credible answer, but the fact is, the democrats are killing us with their idiotic ideas on energy. Ted Kennedy votes against windmills off Nantucket not because it's a bad energy policy, but because it ruins his view of the ocean. The democrats have showed time and time again they are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites that have fooled the American People into believing they were going to get a handle on our dependence on foreign oil.
Drilling for oil is unnecessary. Nuclear power still is unsafe. There is so much research to be had And just as much innovation. This is the principle of Americans. We should be leading the world in alternatives research and development along with good ol American innovation. So big oil and the nay sayers need to move out of the way. Discover this is truly a good thing. And see what we can do as a people.
Because Democrats in general pander to the least informed, most paranoid obsessive compulsive Americans, those who like to obsess over the welfare of a few caribou in a region they have no intention of ever visiting or of some mouse who finds his way into a waste storage area within Yucca Mountain 10,000 years from now.
Because they have a history of pandering to the environmental whacko fringe groups. Who portray a drilling program or nuclear power plant as killing Bambi. And of course the media is complicit in supporting that portrayal..
Because they too like to see high gas prices and people coming to the government for solutions which they have none but higher gas prices.
Actually they tried passing a bill that would raise gas prices and another one is being voted on today! Nancy Pelosi scares me, she comes off as this whimpy tough woman with no brains.
I think it has to do with democrat cranial rectal inversion disease demos suffer from.
Because, they are corrupt and have been bought and paid for with Arab oil money. The oil Sheiks have made deposits in their Swiss bank accounts as a result the American people get screwed while they become richer at our expense.
Environmentalists have sway with Dems on the hill. Being green makes me red. (As in being pissed off.)
Two words, Environmental lobbyist.
Because they are paid off by oil sheiks to keep the price of oil high.

Nuclear power would save this country.

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