Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why are Conservs blaming Liberals for preventing oil drilling?

When there are millions of acres that has been approved by our govt to be drilled for oil. Are conservs just listening to fascist propaganda coming off of conservative radio and repeating what they hear like parrots?Why are Conservs blaming Liberals for preventing oil drilling?
Its you who have been listing to propoganda. I know this is asking a whole lot but use you brain for the next two minutes.

If there are millions of acres that have been approved for drilling why wouldn't the oil companys drill on this land? The answer is simple there is no oil in that land. I mean really, do you think the oil companys would just sit there and not drill when they have access to oil? Your statement is the true fascist propogagnda.

Liberals won't allow drilling in anwar and they pertend that it will destroy pristine alaskan enviornment. Anwar is HUGE the size of South Carolina the enviornmental footprint from drilling would be small the size of boston. And Anwar is not Yellowstone or anything remotely similar-I would not be cool with drilling there regardless of enviornmental footprint.

Liberals don't allow drilling off our coast. For the same tired old reasons- they are rediculously beholden to radical tree huggers. Do you know how many off shore oil rigs spilled oil during Katrina? a big fat 0. Do you know that Sweden and Norway drill off their own coast with no problems? The technology is greatly improved.

In addition to screwing us by not letting us drill liberals prevent us from devoloping nuclear power. Nuclear power is a wonderful solution it is Better for the enviornment than fossil fuel power plants, provides lots of energy, and it provides more jobs than fossil fuel plants. Give me one good reason not to support nuclear energy.

Now you have been educated a little bit. I hate to get short but nothing is more annoying than when a person ignorent of the facts calls me a fascist or a parrot as they spit out there stupid talking points.Why are Conservs blaming Liberals for preventing oil drilling?
As long as the Commodities Futures Modernization Act goes unchanged nothing anyone does will matter. You can drill your little hearts out and completely destroy the environment, but nothing will change as long as speculators are allowed to run amok.

Simply adding the words ';and energy'; to the Commodities Futures Modernization Act would bring gas prices down overnight.

80% of all known oil off the continental shelf of the United States have already been granted permits to drill, but those that would do the drilling are sitting on those permits. Ask yourself why.
not to mention bush sr was the guy to sign the ban into law

because the comanies would like to drill where the oil is?yeah the oil companies are going to spend billions of dollars to build new refineries and explore for oil while they're making record profits now just to make you happy at the pump
Because they seemed to have blocked the memory that they controlled the Executive and Legislative branch of the government for 6 years.
You liberals keep spouting this same Democrat talking point. There is no oil on these millions of acres, that is why they are not drilling.
Because the oil companies would probably like to drill where the oil is.
yeah areas that have no OIL! they are preventing drilling where are you getting the idea that they are not.
liberals and the tree huggers have been lying for years and they are lying now.
because you blame us for everything else!
Because it's true...
Most Conservatives don't actually look into issues. They only accept information from within. If Rush says the 1+1 now equals 3, they start repeating it as fact. If they actually researched the issues and took the time to see both sides of the argument, as I do and many other Liberals do, they would have much different opinions. They probably would be less conservative.

There is a reason most highly educated people are left leaning. There is a reason liberals are rarely accused of being ignorant. Conservatives are infamous for their ignorance and lack of knowledge. Hence the rampant hypocrisy amongst Conservatives.
What else is new?

Smells like a Rush Limpballs fart doesn't it?

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