Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Would you recommend drilling for oil in Alaska if gas prices reached a certain price?

Please choose a range:

1) 5 or less dollars a gallon

2) 5 to 6 dollars a gallon

3) 6 or more dollars a gallon

4) You would never recommend it.Would you recommend drilling for oil in Alaska if gas prices reached a certain price?
We should have been drilling in Alaska for years now. I heard that Canada is going to slant drill to get at the oil under our country. China is going to drill in international waters off the Florida coast. Can someone please tell the environmentalists that they need to back off and let us get our own oil. As it is if we start drilling right this minute it will still be 3-5 years before we get oil. Gas prices are only going to go one direction in the meantime. That means my answer is number 1.Would you recommend drilling for oil in Alaska if gas prices reached a certain price?
We have been drilling and pumping oil up here in Alaska since 1977. The wildlife are just fine with the pipeline. We simply don't have enough oil up here to satisfy the needs and wants of the entire USA. Gas today in Palmer, AK was $4.46 and diesel was $5.39.
4. oil's going to run out anyway, devastation would be irreparable. better to spend money on renewable fuels and mass transit.
When they reach $2.00 per gallon...I guess it's past time to drill.
Do it now. Its there. Use it.

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