Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Does it anger you that the democrats are fighting oil drilling?

harry reid and nancy pelosi are the reason you are being gouged at the pump.

vote them out-Does it anger you that the democrats are fighting oil drilling?
Are you insane?

I am angry that Republicans want to drill for more oil!

DO YOU NOT GET IT?? The more we use, the more expensive it is!!!

I don't care about the price hike, as long as it gets the ignorant masses to really consider alternative energies!!Does it anger you that the democrats are fighting oil drilling?
To bring the price of oil down to say forty dollars a barrel. There would have to be in fact a new oil find every day for the next month and of high quality oil. There is different qualities of oil and the high grade oil is running out faster than the worst quality oil. We will never see the price of oil below a hundred dollars again. Two reasons the fall in the value of the dollar against other currencies and the reduced supply of new oil fields.
You get my vote for best question ever! Environmentalist literally control this country through the democrat party and drilling for oil in Alaska or anywhere else is not going to effect the environment. The State Capitol of Oklahoma has three working oil pumps on the lawn of their Capitol Building. Oil pumps and well sites are all over Texas (my state) and in the Gulf of Mexico, yet we see no ill effects on our beaches or anywhere else. France, the great diamond of liberalism and admired by liberals everywhere, is literally filled with nuclear reactors, yet we have a handful - and all because of DEMOCRATS and the fact that they are joined at the lips with environmentalist.
It's also the environmentalist groups. They prefer that we buy Arab oil and not drill in Alaska or the gulf lest some seals or other animal gets injured. And they don't want additional nuclear power plants to be built.

I wonder if these people turn on their lights at night, or cycle everywhere, or whether they use flush toilets.

True - the democrats also want to raise taxes. So we get high gas prices, high heating costs, ridiculously high food prices, and increased taxes to boot. What's left over?
Yes and it's too bad. We are either going to keep the country or the oil barons and other foreign investors will take over the country because of the money exchanged for oil. It is dragging our economy down. If the politicians were honest, they would let the USA geologists develop the oil and coal fields to supply our glut for oil. I really think the dems are waiting for the outcome of the election to come up with the oil idea (that is on the table already) and claim it as their own. Too bad that they are paid by our taxes and yet they do not let us take care of ourselves and continue to block development in government protected land or let increased exploration take place. So they continue to argue that it is the Presidents fault and continue to play the shell game.
Absolutely. The US has fields in Anwar that are specifically set aside for oil drilling. Yet the dems won't let us touch them. I think we need to stay on our path of finding alternative energy means meanwhile drilling in these places, like off the coast of Florida, so we can be oil independent.
The Democrats are about dis empowerment of the American people. Which means no right to self defense, you ride the government bus, no right to life abortions for all would be citizens, illegals have the right of way
Sure, but it angers me even more that some Republicans are fighting oil drilling. They basically have given in to pressure from the activists for the sake of their cushy jobs.
yes, as a matter of fact I feel that an invegistation should be conducted to determine who is involved in blocking this and how much is being paid to their reelecton campaings and which groups are paying it.
No, it angers me you have a question that causes division.
I wish I could.
You bet your bottom dollar I am angry !
Yes, I am angry!

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