Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why did Obama vote against more oil drilling?

maybe he wants gasoline to go to $7 a gallon?Why did Obama vote against more oil drilling?
People just because an oil company has a lease doesn't mean there is oil there.

Drilling where THERE IS OIL and where it is easy to get is the smart thing to do (which is why Obama doesn't want to do it).

Katrina stormed through the Gulf of Mexico a few years ago and not a drop of oil was spilled from all those drilling platforms so the environmental concerns are not valid. Drill where there is oil AND continue to advance alternative energy technologies. We are A LONG way off from not needing oil so we need to get it where it makes sense.Why did Obama vote against more oil drilling?
He does not want America to be held hostage by the oil companies.

80% of the oil leases held by the oil companies go unused, but Bush/McCain still want to give more to their special interest oil buddies.

This is public land that the Bush/McCain donors sit on for years without drilling there.

They pay a meager $3/acre to keep the leases and then report the land on their books as ';assets';.

This locks the land up so that no one else may drill on the land already set aside for oil production.

Bush/McCain want to give them even more land grabs at the expense of the American taxpayer.

It's bad enough that the American taxpayer funds the oil companies to the tune on $18BILLION/year in subsidies while they post record profits by charging us record prices.

Now Bush/McCain want to reward them with even more land.

They should be forced to drill on the land we already gave them before we give them even more land that would affect fishing and coastal tourism.

Many Republicans including Schwarzenegger and Bush's own brother Jeb have consistently voted against offshore drilling.

Charlie Crist did before he flip-flopped after being named on the short list of McCain VP candidates.
We need to focus on alternative fuels. (solar, wind, etc.) There are viable alternatives that exist that need to be brought to the table. More drilling is a band aid for the future. Even if they started drilling, it would be years before we wrought the benefits and it would be short lived. Our alternatives are to look at alternative fuel sources and build communities that allow people to ride bikes and walk safely. (less reliance on cars) It's better for our health too.
Maybe he has enough brain cells to figure out:

-oil companies aren't drilling on the land leased to them

-refineries are not at maximum output capicity

-putting 18 billion barrels in reserves into production is going to be like putting a drop into the world's 1 trillion + barrels bucket reserves already in production.
What ignorant responses from the 12 year kids old here.

If Obama gets elected, the democratic Congress will finally allow a vote for more drilling.
Because he's more concerned about environment than he is about gas prices. Besides do you really think gas prices will go down if drilling starts? Please. Don't be so naive.
Probably because it's pretty much horrendous for the world at large. We don't need money as much as we need our lives, and we'll lose those in the long run if we don't work away from oil.
The democrats want to destroy America so they can lead us into communism and convince us to give up our liberties.
Why don't oil companies drill the land contracts they already have/?
Maybe he wants to preserve protected land and the animals that live there.
Because he is a good loyal dem party sock puppet. Runs with the pack.
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