Saturday, December 26, 2009

While the Republicans controlled Congress, did they allow the oil drilling that is being fought over now?

No. This current emphasis on drilling is a ploy and a distraction to placate consumers who are suffering from the high prices. The oil companies have no incentive to drill more but they most certainly want to gain control over more public land in order to help insure their future.While the Republicans controlled Congress, did they allow the oil drilling that is being fought over now?
Republicans can be schmucks, but they are Pro-American

Pelosi's and Reid'd words would suggest otherwise for

the other party,While the Republicans controlled Congress, did they allow the oil drilling that is being fought over now?
They tried to in the 90's, but Clinton vetoed it!!鈥?/a>
It has been proposed more than once and was recommended strongly and fought for when W. first took office. If the Dems went along then we might not be having this problem. Drill here, Drill now!
no it would have been to obvious. by the way there was no shortage of gas, that was all made up by bush and his Arab friends.

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