Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Did you hear McCain said ';Thanks, but no thanks'; to a ban on offshore oil drilling?

In May of this year, McCain renewed his opposition to offshore oil drilling in sensitive sites, which is a position he has held since his 2000 campaign for president.

In June, McCain flip-flopped and said he thinks the ';moratorium should be lifted';, and now he says he is in favor of offshore oil drilling.

Did you hear McCain said ';Thanks, but no thanks'; to a ban on offshore oil drilling?
Good he finally came to his senses.Did you hear McCain said ';Thanks, but no thanks'; to a ban on offshore oil drilling?
Possibly the $4.50+ dollars a gallon gasoline played a small part in his ';realignment';.

Would you like to take a swing at how Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party just issued a statement today, preparing to open up some offshore areas for drilling?


Didn't think so...


Kevin wrote: We use 25% of the world's oil, but we only have 3% of the world's reserves. It doesn't take a math whiz to tell you that it isn't going to do that much.

That's the Boone Pickens numbers, and I think he's spot-on. Even he agrees that we need to tap some of the off-shore oil stocks while we cross the bridge to renewable energy.

As far as I remember, McCain has been pushing this need, combined with nuclear and the various green options, since about June. The Democratic caucus has *finally* jumped on board (as of 10 Sept.08).

I say, good for them, but let's not accuse McCain only of flip-flopping when Democrats follow his lead.
That's just the tip of the iceberg with him. Very strong point! Said he's against torture, but is for water boarding. Recently dropped his support of the McCain-Feingold bill that he sponsored. Voted against the Bush tax cuts initially, now wants to extend them indefinitely. He said he wanted to stay in Iraq for 100 years if necessary. Said Roe v. Wade should be left to the states to set their own policies on abortion, now says it should be completely overturned. I suppose he is the candidate for change considering he keeps changing his mind on all the issues.

edit: kmfrye, even Obama has said offshore drilling is something we should do. The difference is that the republicans believe drilling will solve all our woes. We use 25% of the world's oil, but we only have 3% of the world's reserves. It doesn't take a math whiz to tell you that it isn't going to do that much.
that key word is sensative sights, he has always been in favor of lifting the ban on off shore drilling. McCain is hardly the flip flop here. that word is exclusively meant for Obama. i been watching them both for a year and listening to speechs from both on the news. so i been actually paying attention to what is going on. if your putting stock in Obama dont waste your vote.
McCain was quoted as saying, ';We need to drill the ocean floor like a drunk chick at a frat party.';
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