Wednesday, December 30, 2009

If we stop all exploration for oil and drilling now can we trust Obama to provide us with alternative energy?

When can we expect to run completly out of oil if we listen to the liberals and stop all drilling?If we stop all exploration for oil and drilling now can we trust Obama to provide us with alternative energy?
The private sector will come up with the solution eventually. In the mean time we need to maintain the flow of oil. Anything else would be suicide.If we stop all exploration for oil and drilling now can we trust Obama to provide us with alternative energy?
Back in the 70's we were told by experts that we would run out of oil by the 90's. Now we see that a number of the tapped out oil fields in Texas and California are producing oil once again (renewable resource ?).

I believe we need to drill now and continue to look for alternatives. There is a financial incentive or the person or persons that can develop an alternative to oil so it should be no problem promoting development. The issue really comes down to are the current batches of alternatives the magic answer or are the Dem's and a great number of other folks on this planet hyper-focusing and not continuing to look. We were told ethanol would be the answer but turning food into fuel is just wrong. Additionally it is accelerating the further loss of rain forest in South America as the ground is turned into agricultural land to produce bio-fuel.

I don't think we can trust Obama or the Dem's. They are politicizing an issue that is too important for politics.
I listen to the Oil CEO's testifying in Congress last month May, 2008.... and they all lied that

1. Demands are now low

2. Supplies are now high .... about 3% increase

3. It cost about $10 to make a barrel of oil but trade on Wall Street for $130 a barrel

4. All the oil refineries are only operating at a 80% - 50% capacity because we already have too much oil

5. The US is currently the #3 largest producer of oil in the world.... we sell our extra oils to Japan

6. Plenty of oils right here in the USA =

June 22nd, 2008

The U.S. Geological Survey just published its official results of a groundbreaking study.

Its report confirmed a massive oil reserve in an area the locals have nicknamed the ';Bakken,'; which stretches across North Dakota, Montana and southeastern Saskatchewan.

The new USGS study estimates a whopping 3.65 billion barrels of oil in the Bakken...

The reported 3.65 billion barrels of oil mean estimate is for 'undiscovered' oil only, and doesn't include known oil, such as reserves.

In fact, the study reports a 25-fold increase in the amount of oil that can be recovered... compared to the agency's estimate back in 1995.

Discovered over 50 years ago, the Bakken deposit--once impossible to extract--is now being hailed as the single largest oil find in US history.

That's because, today, thanks to breakthrough drilling techniques like horizontal drilling, the Bakken's oil shales can be extracted relatively cheaply.

When that happens, this light, sweet oil will cost Americans just $16 per barrel! and trade on Wall Street for $130-$140 a barrel
Go to this website and sign this petition!

You will look back on this day and realize that YOU decided the presidency in 2008. McCain almost pooped his pants when he found out how many Americans want us to be less dependent on foreign oil. Almost 1.5 million signatures!!! That is what changed his mind about drilling. Mark my words, this petition WILL decide who becomes our next president. And I will be proud to say that I played my part and so can you.

God Bless this country.
Obama can't provide us with anything, except liberal politics as usual. He can't turn water into wine, and he can't provide alternative energy. Only private industry can do that.
Obama will give you squat while raising taxes on gas.
alternative energy is great, but why is it one or the other. We can drill now while persuing alt. energy can't we?

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