Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why are the Democrats joining McCain in his support of off-shore oil drilling?

First it was Obama.

Now it's Nancy Pelosi.

CNN.Why are the Democrats joining McCain in his support of off-shore oil drilling?
Step back a few weeks and it was McCain joining in the crowd. There are several reasons for this. First is the undeniable fact that this is an election year, and the people want off shore drilling because it sounds like it will be a solution to high prices, and in a democracy the electorate is supposed to be beholden to the people to some degree. The second reason is because it is a reasonable solution under certain circumstances. I believe that with the approval of the EPA, we should use our coastal waters for off shore drilling, and the biggest argument the democrats have had in the past is that it could threaten sensitive ecosystems. Now the argument seems to coincide with my own beliefs, that the ecosystem must be considered first, but given stable environments, offshore drilling does not pose significant problems.

Another argument used in the past is that the oil companies have already been sold several thousand acres offshore in the Gulf of Mexico that they have not utilized yet, where millions of barrels of oil are said to exist. If the concern is that the oil companies are increasing demand and prices by not drilling where they can, then there should be limitations on the land sold to them- such as the land must be utilized within a period of time or the government can buy it back at a cost equal to or less than what it was sold.

I don't believe that off shore drilling will significantly lower the cost of fuel in the United States because the oil companies are still the one's doing the drilling whether it is within our borders or off the coast of South America or in Africa or the Middle East. My solution would be to have the US government do the drilling and sell it to the oil companies or refine it ourselves. If Exxon Mobile can make $10 Billion of profit a quarter, and the government doesn't have to worry about executive salaries, there is no way that the government could fail to make huge profits as well (maybe not in the same range as $10B quarter, but at least 10 B/ year). If this is the case, that would eliminate a huge amount of the tax burden on individuals. Plus, there would no longer be a need for windfall profits taxes. By keeping the price at a lower level, the competition it would provide against the private fuel industry would also keep their prices in check, no added cost to the consumer in increased prices and no increased taxes on the industry. This would result in lower taxes for corporations and lower gas costs at the pump, but some people would argue it is socialism, so it is unlikely to ever happen, although in reality it is the government getting involved in capitalism to compete in free market enterprises. Why are the Democrats joining McCain in his support of off-shore oil drilling?
If Democrats join McCain in his support for more drilling it should be because he is right!

However Obama does not really favor new drilling, he wants to tax, tax, tax, then consider maybe perhaps a bit of drilling, well Ok no, so then let's tax, tax, tax some more!

Pelosi closed congress for their ';vacation'; so that new drilling would not get a chance for a vote!
Because I really do believe that we have the resources to use our own oil that has yet to be tapped to finally be able to thumb our noses at the likes of Venezuala and the Middle East and say, ';Keep it! We don't need YOUR OIL, we have our OWN';.

And I do really believe we could do so in a responsible manner without hurting the enviroment as long as it was monitored closely and done with as little damage as possible to wildlife and the land as possible.

And I do believe that THAT is possible ultimately.

It's time....enough of this madness in dealing with these idiots overseas.

We're Americans, we can take care of ourselves.
First off, McCain himself wasn't even in support for drilling until he took a look at the polls. All of them, McCain, Obama, Pelosi, and CNN, are only taking this stance because of the polls. If the polls show that the majority of the people become against drilling so will they. Isn't politics wonderful?
Because it's a SLAM DUNK election issue that McCain is on the right side of. Lead, follow, or get the FAHK out of the way. The Dems are now FOLLOWING. 70 percent of America supports drilling, period.
because 69% of Americans support offshore drilling, and they represent the people, so its only right that they follow the will of the people.
They are tried of the desert dummy and the hag running a silly Congress so the ones with a brain are beginning to think for themselves.
They are showing they are not so firm in their opinions that they can hear or respect other opinions on matters. Unlike McCain..

War..War..and more war...that's McCain's answer to everything
Because the latest polls have even convinced the Dumb-0-crats that using our own oil instead of the high priced foreign stuff is a no-brainer!
It is all a dog and pony show because if they win in Nov. they will not allow it because they democratic base does not want more oil,
Why did McCain flipflop after opposing offshore drilling for 26 years?
off shore drilling is no longer an option. With all the recent events in this wold, America MUST drill for her own oil NOW!
Their brain is a bit twisted, but they finally come to their senses.
that is how addiction works

much like smoking a little more crack before going into drug rehab

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