Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Is oil drilling being used as a wedge issue?

Yep...NeoCons know they can't win on the wedge issues of abortion or gay marriage this time.

WayneRight: From a NeoCon, I'll take that as a compliment.

Have you posted your latest chain email yet? NeoCons accept their chain emails as gospel truth.

They don't realize those chain emails are originally written by a 14 year old in mom's basement.

Yeah truth seeker, the sad fact was he had to dig through his chain emails to find that put-down.

Nobody report this WayneRight guy. I want everybody to see a good NeoCon reaction.Is oil drilling being used as a wedge issue?
No, it is used to highlight the stupidity of our energy policy in Congress. Why wouldnt we drill for more oil? China is getting the go ahead to drill off our own coasts due to deals with Cuba. I would trust an American company that can add to our coffers way more then the Chinese. Also, if Canada wanted they could get at the oil in Anwar through drilling by the border and then import it to us. So again why not get at it now.

Yes, it may take ten years to get the oil but that wouldnt matter as it would reduce the price of oil speculation because they would see that the supply would be greater in the future.

Speculation is good, it is the basis for capitalism. To think otherwise would mean that in places like agriculture the farmers in stead of dropping their produce of at the grain elevators would have to find a consumer to buy it right at the time of harvest.

Energy prices effects all sectors of our economy. So to think the idea of actually reducing oil prices is a wedge issue show a complete lack of understanding of our economy and of capitalism itself.

Windfall profit taxes is a wedge issue, that has its roots in Marxism. What is a windfall profit? Remember the govt makes way more of each gallon of gasoline then the oil companies and for doing absolutely nothing. The govt. doesnt drill, transport or refine it, but it gets its 40% (without having to re-invest) of the profits and its cut at the pump. Also, what would that do to everyones retirment accounts? Go check your 401K, I almost garuantee that you are invested in the energy sector. So to hurt the oil companies, hurts your stock portfolio.Is oil drilling being used as a wedge issue?
you better believe it. Republicans owned the White House and both Houses of Congress from 2000-2006. why didn't they drill then???????? They just are doing what they do best - pointing fingers.......

';wayne right'; is an excellent example of using a Republican technique. When a wedge issue isn't working, resort to a personal attack.
It's more of a red herring - to point at to protect the oil industry from being examined for price gouging, and to protect the car industry from fuel efficiency standards.
At least they picked an issue that matters this time. I won't work because it's too important for NeoCons to care about.
Bearcat you're a Wanker! Oh and a Pinko Commie.

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