Saturday, December 26, 2009

Oil drilling?

This oil company is drilling on my dad's land soon and they already gave us the lease money. I was just wondering how long it takes for the drill to get into the land and for us to start finding out if we have some oil? oh and how big of a chance do you think there is that we have some oil?----- every piece of land surrounding our land has been drilled on and they all had oil.

THANKS.Oil drilling?
hey maybe u live where i do, they just did that here. do u live in mansfield?Oil drilling?
Your question sounds like its not about whether you have oil - but about whether you will have rights to that oil once they discover any. If the oil company is paying you a lease on to drill - and they are drilling, then I am assuming they have a pretty good idea that there is oil there.

Now, who has the rights to the oil depends on the lease agreement you signed with them. They are not going to drill for free. You should go over your contract and determine if you will get paid anything for the oil they do discover, or whether it belongs solely to them.

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