Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How come Congress is more concerned about steroid usage in baseball than about off-shore oil drilling?

Excellent point! It is because our congress is a bunch of rather self-serving, obnoxious characters. The heck with the American people, let us spend valuable time questioning non-essential subjects. Ever listen to a Congressman interview a person from government or the private sector? 75% of the question is about how good he is and what he is doing for America. I did this and I did that.....stupid bunch of lawyers, most of them.How come Congress is more concerned about steroid usage in baseball than about off-shore oil drilling?
They're not.

I don't know how they started investigating baseball, but Congress covers many issues.

The off-shore drilling question has been here since at least the late '60s. It's rare for a new question to be raised during an election year.

McCain will take this until he stops scoring political points. That's OK though, we're talking about politics. (That's what these folks do for a living, eh?)

Every election year 'issues' will arise that catch the public attention, one of those this year, is the drilling. It's not that Congress isn't concerned with it (Reid needs about 8 Republicans to come to his side of the aisle, Pelosi has announced a way she'll deal with it) but the issues are handled differently.

If for example, McCain will score with his call for drilling (even though he knows it can't happen) he'll continue. If Reid and Pelosi (Democratic leaders because Congress is presently in their hands) quietly deal with it, then their candidate, Obama, might stop McCain's shots from scoring.

This isn't a game but I'm using these metaphors because they're convenient.

After the election, we won't hear about drilling, we'll hear about something else.

Steroids? Remember the big deal the media was making? If Congress did nothing then they'd be accused of lazying around. Their political cycles are different than presidents', so they're not always apparently responding to residents' wants when attention is paid to DC.How come Congress is more concerned about steroid usage in baseball than about off-shore oil drilling?
That is easy- they need to keep the lobbyist that pay them nicely happy. So, they will avoid drilling and chalk it up to the fact that it won't take care of the problem fast enough (Richardson, Pelosi) , you know instant gratification is what the Liberals are all about. I don't care if it takes 20 years to eventually get us off foreign oil if we would just start now and work towards a goal of eventually telling all the other Countries to piss-off!!! Realistically it wont take even a few years of drilling and using our other natural resources to become more independent but they will not share that information with you.
They are very concerned about off shore drilling. The trouble is that they don't want to, and so are going against the American peoples best interests.

There is an agenda at work here, and they are working very hard at making it happen.

If you want to see some of what their up to, look up Kyoto Protocol in Wikipedia, scroll to United States, then click on Cap, and Trade bill.

This will have no good outcome, and both of our presidential candidates are for it, so we are screwed!

McCain is lying about his view on drilling...He is for Kyoto which is the exact opposite side of the fence.

Harry Reid was on TV the other night saying that ';Americans burning fuel are filling his lungs full of poison.'; He also went on to say that he hopes that fuel will get to $7-9 a gallon, so people quit all unnecessary driving. I think he should be put in prison for saying that, because he is supposed to represent the American people. When did we become a Communist nation anyway? America won't last much longer with leaders like these!
Good point, there is a new energy bill coming from Neil Abercrombie (Dem from Hawaii) and John Peterson (Repub from Pennsylvania) are attempted to get a bill passed that seems to follow the kitchen sink strategy, throw every (drilling, alternate energy, etc) at the problem, and for once it seems like a valid attempt, not something to get votes or push their interest.

I could be wrong though, i hope I'm not
Because states decide about off shore drilling on their coasts. If they're stupid enough to allow it, let them get everything set up, then ban it federally. The gas would take about 10 years to reach the market anyways (same with ANWAR) Make them leave the derricks up, and use the loss of tourists as the punishment.

Offshore drilling and drilling in ANWAR are two issues that the American public as a whole are completely stupid about.
Easy. Most people are too stupid to understand off-shore

drilling, but they respond to sensationalized, embellished,

simplistic issues like steroid usage, gay marriage, and drug

use, so that's what the legislature panders to.
It's a distraction issue without any serious implications. It gives the politicians a chance to stand on their soapbox and preach moralistic values to the public while ignoring issues that really matter to the people.
Because they represent an electorate that is too stupid to understand or care about anything that does not concern sports and entertainment. This is probably the only thing that will be left to satiate thr American public when martial law is implemented.
They want to score some points. Anyway, this is old news. The Election, as well as the Credit and Mortgage Crisis, are the biggest issues right now. That, and the New England Patriots' Spygate Scandal are big right now.
Their next case will be if the Minnesota Vikings staff actually did try to persuade Brett Favre.

I agree, keep out of business' business. Worry about the whole countries concerns before anything.
They are playing games as usual, using the time left in session to justify their pay.

If America were smarter, they would see their mistake and not vote them in again.
They have a fear of important issues. They will soon feel the backlash caused by their ineptitude.
cause sports money (lobby) is clean money.....

why do we allow congress to meddle in sports to begin with.......
Anything to aviod doing actual ';work';
Nothing in sports should ever be discussed in Congress. What a colossal waste of time.
because all of politics is about how well u distract the public and avoid issues

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