Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Obama to use executive authority to Stop oil drilling, Why?

Google news says he wants to stop drilling in UtahObama to use executive authority to Stop oil drilling, Why?
So we can pay a premium to his new best friend Hugo Chavez!Obama to use executive authority to Stop oil drilling, Why?
Referring to the Bush Administration, Obama's transition chief John Podesta said, ';They want to have oil and gas drilling in some of the most sensitive, fragile lands in Utah that they're going to try to do right as they (are) walking out the door.';

There's your reason.

It's amazing what you find out if you read.
I don't know how old you are but in the 70s the oil drilling on the coasts was damaging the shorelines along with the sealife and leaving coastal properties exposed due to the lack of shore line.

If the residents of Alaska want to damage their state/shoreline drilling then they have the 'maverick' Sarah Palin in their corner to insure the oil will be drilled from there.

As for the lower 48, I think that the residents of California, Texas, Louisiana, etc.. are just starting to enjoy the financial flow that has returned to these states by travelers that want to enjoy their beaches and seashore and to the sealife that has regrown spawning seafood that we all can enjoy.

Let corporations make money building windmills to provide power and heat for our homes. Let creating new car fuel technology become MORE lucrative than the few OIL producing/trading companies, that is how we will lose our dependence on foreign oil without further damaging our home - The EARTH.

Because, we need to develop alternative forms of energy for transportation and heating. Oil exploration and drilling will continue to lead us down a path that ignores our future needs of energy independence.

Concentrating on becoming energy independent is of utmost importance in this day and age. We have sent trillions of dollars to the Middle East for oil. What if we kept all this money within the US by being energy independent? Would we be in a financial recession now? The economic and environmental health of the country and world is at stake now and we must move forward to address our energy needs in a responsible manner.

Of course, those who profit from oil will oppose clean energy and will continue to criticize decisions that do not lead to oil being our main source of energy.
Good I can ride a horse and when we ride by the Whitehouse, Trigger can leave a little something behind to remember him by!! they said he might do that, but you got to remember there are over 3,500 gas and oil rigs in the Gulf of mexico alone and one day something might happen that could mess up some of the water that is so polluted now that it is a shame by the stuff they been throwing in the mississippi for decades. Yes i know over 3,000 rigs and not one environmental problem and even after Katrina and yes iknown athe deep sea fishermen fish by the rigs themost because it's the best. Take care.
He is bound and determined to wave a non-existent magic wand to solve our energy problems overnight. What he is gonna do is actually increase our dependence on foreign oil as it will take several years to develop a reasonable mass-produced alternative. Get ready for ten dollar a gallon gas, everybody.
Why are repubs so against preserving our land? If you guys had a choice of taking a wooded lot and turning it into a park or a hotel, would you pick a hotel? Or I know, how about a parking lot for the mall you'd build down the street over some wetlands?



Detroit has been investing and researching a lot of money the last 4-5 years on exactly that. Have you heard of the Chevy Volt that was just premiered? It will be on the lots whithin 2 years. They just need to bring the price down so everyone can afford it. Have you seen any of the ten plus models from the big three that are hybrids? They are all over the place. Believe me, they know all too well about whats best for this country. They know because they are soon going out of business and that not only leaves them with no money, it leaves 3 million plus people across this country with no job! They know.
We don't need more oil supply........we need less demand .....and we need Detroit and the auto makers to produce better more fuel efficient vehicles....they have the technology and the capability just not the will to do what's best for the country and not just their pocketbooks!
Because there are not enough oil reserves in the US to have any affect on the price of oil - excessive drilling in this country will only serve to make rich oil executives richer and will have no affect on our economy.
Obama is clueless.
In a last minute move from Bush before he leaves office, he is going to sell Utah land to oil companies to drill. You can drill all you want it still won't be enough to meet US demand!
Stoney- we've been transferring our wealth to the Arabs for forty years due to crackpot environmentalism. Global warming, cooling, change, what a crock.
Because he's more loyal to the environmental wacko lobbyists lining his pockets then he is to the American citizen.
Its not only oil, but natural gas as well. He will drive up the prices by doing this, which in turn gives him more tax revenue!
Obama will do everything wrong, and this will be a good first step. What a piece of work.
He doesn't have the executive authority to do anything yet.
i could so go on and on (and on) about this but to sum it up,,,,,, cause he's a big ole pile of flaming tard

what a douchebag

set and match
';Wingnut'; knows best. Don't you know that?

He plans to invent cars that can run on the hot air he spews.

I'd rather see us develop electric cars. They are A LOT more practical than most people are aware and within 4 years we could change the face of the world and the power structure so that all those oil-rich arabs would become paupers. These are the people who either want to kill all Americans OR support those who want that. Why give them our money?

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