Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why Do Dems And Liberal Environmentalist Block Domestic US Oil Drilling?

Or is the only ';drilling'; they approve of is what goes on in those all boy bars they enjoy so much?Why Do Dems And Liberal Environmentalist Block Domestic US Oil Drilling?
They want us all to come begging to the government for help. They want to appease the terrorists so we can supply them with oil dollars sent overseas, Those are the 2 major reasons I can see. The global warming hoax has never fooled me. Did you know the Government makes more money per gallon of gasoline, than the oil companies? The ones being ';drilled'; is the American Public, but that's nothing new for the democrats.Why Do Dems And Liberal Environmentalist Block Domestic US Oil Drilling?
Hey Larry....nothing is right, right now. I have no clue why there is so much opposition to domestic drilling...I am assuming you mean in Alaska...hey I have been there it is beautiful but come on...the plans that are in for overture are real and will not kill one damn animal or take down one single tree...I agree with the green way of life...I live way up...WAY UP Maine..but..enough is enough...we need to make our own energy, power and gas.

I think that, to answer you, the libs always associate taking care of ourselves with something evil or wrong..and like you..I don't get it. I think that we need to explore many options, take advantage of what we have. It is too bad that so many are so against seeing it how it really is.

I think you may ...may, have lost some when you made the gay boy comment here.
Well done, did it hurt you to think of that?

Supply side economics haven't worked yet, what makes you think they will anytime soon? Pumping our domestic oil supply is foolish at this point strategically. As long as we can, we should be buying it, exhausting the world supply before touching our own supply no matter how bad it hurts. Reasons for this should be fairly obvious. 50 years from now the US will be reaping the benefits of having a glut of oil and the world will bend to our will. Now, if that's not a good reason, why not just drill in the middle of the grand canyon, or your front yard? Why? Probably because we want to leave a legacy to the generations that will follow us on this planet. Contrary to popular rightist, church folk, the earth is not here for us to exploit and destroy. We have got to find a happy coexistence with this planet or we aren't going to have a home. Don't you think?
The US is using oil, to a great extent, to support luxury lifestyles; long range commuting, urban sprawl, the oversized SUV as fashion accessory.

In what warped world view does the rising cost of such frivolous consumption constitute a national crisis?

The US could do a great many things to curb its oil consumption, and it should. Both because it is bad for the US to be dependent on foreign oil, and also because the US' own domestic reserves are, and should be recognized as, vital strategic assets, which must be conserved, for the sake of the nation's security.

The US should build nuclear plants, develop alternative power technologies, subsidize the production of electric cars, and cars running on alternative fuels. And enforce the conservation of oil.

Why don't they? I think it's because the US oil companies, who have a great deal of influence in Washington.

They are quite happy about the high price of oil. They know all the oil they could pull out of ANWR, or anywhere else, would not greatly affect the price: The dramatically rising worldwide demand will support a high price anyway.

But they would make themselves stinking rich in the process. And between you and me, this is what they care about.
I think we need to blame the republicans as well, as they did nothing when they were in power. Congress only cares about getting elected and bringing home the bacon (pork).

We must drill, add refineries, do coal to oil, add nuclear, and add alternatives to stay competitive in the world market.

Many countries are now downsizing their kyoto goals and are expanding fossil fuels to stabilize their economies.

Will we be smart enough to follow?
Maybe we should work on alternative fuel sources, as not to totally screw our children and grandchildren out of inheriting a healthy planet? Liberals don't want oil drilling in the US because we need to stop destroying the environment and start coming up with better solutions, because the stuff is going to run out eventually. Maybe we should be proactive! It's not because we ';want to give funding to terrorists';. That is just insane. And your insinuation about homosexuals and ';drilling'; is completely childish. Sounds like you need to class up.
Because oil is a dead end fuel.

The either the pollution and the toxic waste in our drinking water will kill us or the price will stop the economy no matter what.

Why do ';CONSERVATIVES'; refuse to do the conservative thing and promote and develop hydrogen fuel cell engines?

Is it because they simply refuse to give up on what they think will guarantee them ';Superior power';?

You guys have become a stench in the nostrils of the world and of God by driving food prices up to where 181 countries are have emergency hunger meetings.

and all because of your mentally sick greed and lust for power which you will never achieve no matter what.
In one word: Control! If they can make the people more dependent on big government , they will be in control of our lives and we lose what liberty we have!

Environmentalists are worried about caribou instead of people, even though the caribou population has more than doubled with the Alaskan pipeline!

I half-way agree with Thomas, but why can't we do both?

vote Mccain in '08!

Why in the world would you think the oil drilled on our property ie Public Lands would cost you one cent more? Never has. In fact, since GWB took office, they don't even pay us the nominal fee that they used to so the Oil Boys just take our oil and sell it to the highest bidder.

You did not really think that an American Corporation would give a deal to other Americans just because they were able to get it cheap...DID YOU?
When you figure this one out, you'll understand what it's like to be a lib Dem. Of course when you do, the total lack of reasoning and the massive enigmas of their thoughts will drive a sane conservative insane. That's why we must hold the course. There's enough political lunatics out there now.
Why do Republicans and Conservatives block funding for research of better, more efficient fuel alternatives like the production of sugar cane based fuel that is a lot more efficient than corn-ethanol and even petroleum gas?
Why do Republicans and anti-environmentalists in that party block mileage requirements and conservation?

As to your question, is there not one piece of pristine land you don't want to despoil?
Politics. There are folks with enough money to keep the Dems interested in the charade, and you have the fanatics that would abandon them at the polls.
because they want to continue the funding of terrorist nations so that the terrorist can kill all of us, Americans !!!!!!!!!!!! Dem's and libs want all Americans killed by terrorist right here right now in the streets of America;鈥?/a>

Read my answer to this question... I don't feel like typing it out again.
It's all about control. The environmentalist want to control the economy and the government. We expect our government officials to manage the economy when most of them probably can't even manage their own finances.
Haha well I can understand why politicians might care: Oil is a precious commodity and we need to protect what we do have. As for the environmentalists - well I guess they just don't want oil at all, let alone drilling in America.
Because I care about the environment, and you should too if you are a moral being.
larry if we drill does the oil stay in america? No that'a why they keep voting no.

I sure am glad only EIGHTY percent of this country is filled with people like you.
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