Tuesday, December 22, 2009

As an environmentalist, I am STRONGLY against any new nuclear plants and oil drilling?

HOW CAN I PROTEST MY VOICE AND SPEAK OUT AGAINST IT!As an environmentalist, I am STRONGLY against any new nuclear plants and oil drilling?
the question is, WHAT ARE YOU FOR?

where are we going to get the energy to power our economy?

what are the farmers going to use to plant and harvest their crops?

how is that food going to get to the market near you?

you can go ahead and be against anything you want.

however, if your solution would mean the end of our society, you'll not get any serious attention.

if you do want to get some attention, then propose something that will work.

some way to obtain energy that will not damage the environment, and not put 1/2 of society out of work.

that's the way to get somebody to listen to you.As an environmentalist, I am STRONGLY against any new nuclear plants and oil drilling?
200 years ago, there were less than 1 billion people.

are you volunteering yourself and your family to be part of the 80% no longer here? Report Abuse

nick: this is ridiculous. Look at the facts:

Uranium is a finite fuel (non renewable) and its cost is increasing. I don麓t even mention the problems of nuclear proliferation.

Comissioning/construction of nuclear power plants: 10 years

Lifetime: 40-60 years

Liability of nuclear waste to operators has made it unattractive.

Nuclear produces large heavy-metal pollution for the uranium enrichment.

Nuclear has the same CO2 intensity as combined cycle gas turbines when looked over the whole lifecycle. As such it compars poorly to renewables.

In 5 to 10 years, solar power will be at grid parity (same cost as other sources of power offered on the grid).

The output of new solar factories is projected to increase to 5GW in 5 years meaning that solar power will install the equivalent of several new nuclear power plant each year and at a lower cost.

A nuclear power plant regarding its lifetime and comissioning would if started now have its half operating time in 2038. That means that FOR SURE it will be an ECONOMIC SUBOPTIMAL OPTION WHEN COMPARED TO SOLAR.
Don't speak out against it, work out how you can live without it, then take action in your own back yard. This could be growing your own trees to coppice for fuel or changing your power supplier. Your money is power to big corporations. Deprive them of that power by conservation of all resources.
You want to speak out against your own voice? I get choked up just thinking about such a thing. (hehehe)

Fact is, you don't need to. Solar and wind farms are ALREADY cheaper by far than nuclear power plants (per kw-hr).

Gasoline is on its way out. If we'd been quicker to cultivate switchgrass instead of using corn in ethanol plants, ethanol would already be a contender.

maybe we should do what france and the uk do when it comes to power plants. oh sorry about that. france and the uk's power is 80% from nuclear power plants and uk has just begun construction of a new nuclear power plant. maybe you should go to those countries to protest, because we haven't built one in the usa in 30 or so years.
I agree about the oil drilling especially in Sussex.They will be killing off acres of aincent Forest,thereby killing off more of our widlife all in the name of profit.The developers are destroying the natural world with their greed.
don't nuclear power is the fuel of the future no ones going to listen to some stupid ecomentalists who don't know a thing about what they are protesting about.
Educate yourself on the topics.

With my MS in nuclear engineering, your going to need to stump me.
Show how U can live without any power or oil product. Don't be a hypocrite like Gore.

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