Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can someone help answer these questions about oil drilling?

well i need some help with drilling for oil in protected wild life areas

1) Why might we consider freeing up space in wildlife refuge areas for oil drilling?

2 What political, economical, environmental, and etical issues are at hand in this controversy?

3. What are the pros and cons for drilling in these areas?

If you can just give me a little help with this and your resorce itd be super nice of you,,, thank youCan someone help answer these questions about oil drilling?
1) Why might we consider freeing up space in wildlife refuge areas for oil drilling?

First of all, ';freeing up space'; in a refuge for a small area for drilling is not the issue. However, since that is the question, I will do my best to answer.

There are many reasons we would drill in ANWR. Environmental factors, ecomonic factors, and poliotical factors all are in favor of drilling in ANWR.

Enviroment: The middle eastern countries have little to no environmental laws, letting them spill anywhere and clean it up anyhow they choose. The US on the other hand has some of the most stringant environemntal law in the world. Also, the fact that we barge the foriegn oil such a long way over a large ocean makes the possibility of a marine spill rise dramitically then iff we were to ship it the short distance from Alaska to Washington (1200 miles, I believe).

Economic: Here is out problem. Our country relies on oil so muchb and consumes so much of it that we need more oil then can be produced by ANWR. Our only solution is to create another energy source, which we are working on. Hydrogen fuel cells are becoming closer to a reality, solar power is on the rise (however, I am not sure we could actually power a city the size of, say, Phoenix), hydro power is being used in Las Vegas, and geothermal sources are used in Alaska and Yellowstone. However, these are mostly geographical sources.

Political: ANWR would definatly help us politically. We could then get out of the middle east and their fanaticism and concentrate on our own problems.

2 What political, economical, environmental, and etical issues are at hand in this controversy?

Damage to the environment, which is bogas. The porcipine caribou herd in Prudhoe Bay has increased from est. 2,000 in pop. to 25,000 since 1972. The polar bears are in danger of the climate change, but until the last ten years, lived in complete harmony with the rigs in the north.

3. What are the pros and cons for drilling in these areas?

Pros: See above

Cons: Using a major source for oil and running out and being completely dependant on other countries. With so many countries who are not happy with us out there, it is a scary thought to be reliant upon on of them in 30-40 years, huh?

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