Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why Are So Many People Hopeful About Offshore Oil Drilling?

Do we even know how much oil is out there and how much of an effect it will have on the lowering of the prices of gas?

Do we know how long it will take just to get ready and set up for oil drilling and how long it will take for Congress to pass a bill to allow it?Why Are So Many People Hopeful About Offshore Oil Drilling?
Yes, they know how much is out there they have been dragging cables and doing soundings for the past 35 years. They know how deep how much and what it will cost to get it.

The more we get here the less we have to import. The less we have to import the cheaper we can refine it.Why Are So Many People Hopeful About Offshore Oil Drilling?
Congress doesn't need to pass anything. They just need to remove the current bill preventing it.

It's more than offshore drilling though. It's also about the coal that can be turned into oil. We have around 800 billion barrels of oil in that stuff, but it's in a prohibited area. That certainly would make a difference in the oil situation. 800 billion barrels is enough to handle the current oil needs of the US for 100 years.

The timeframe issue is stupid. 10 years ago they were saying the same thing and here we are 10 year later when we could use the oil no one wanted to drill for 10 years ago because they said it would take too long. We need to be looking into the future and not make decisions based on a limited view of the next 24 hours.
I'm not hopeful and it doesn't make any sense. Even if oil companies started drilling tomorrow, looking for oil, it would take several years before a drop of that oil came on-shore. It would have little, if any, impact on oil for many years. Oil companies already have leases on 68million acres, but have chosen not to drill. The fastest way to bring down the price of oil is to stop the oil speculators. That would cut the price of oil very quickly.
I heard a report a few days ago from an oil drilling service company shallow water 1yr to drill and lay pipe line and began pumping to shore deep water 2-3 yrs remote locations with no roads or power 3-6 yrs for full production as far as how much who knows for sure nobody will be drilling on any location for less than 10 yrs worth to recoup investment as for lowering prices any source on U.S. soil would be a secure source unaffected be world troubles just being able to replace arab and african supplies to the U.S. would take terrorist attacks and shipping cost out of the market thus lowering gas prices as for congress dems/libs hate oil they would rather see the U.S. destroyed before they approve any oil drilling prepare yourself its going to get ugly soon.
There's enough oil out there so that we don't really need to get worked up about it for another 80 years or so, and then look out.

And that is without leasing any new public land. If the oil companies decide to extract oil from existing leases, they would be busy drilling for 30 years.

But that's not what they want. They drill in places like Angola where the production cost is 4-7 bucks a barrel and they can get production sharing agreements with the local corrupt government. And if that nation decides to revoke those agreements and award the leases to local companies, then they start lobbying for us to invade, depose through a coup, or assasinate the leader of that nation.

This is how it has been for a very long time now.

If you think leasing public land means they will drill on the land they lease, then you need to educate yourself. I included the below article as a starting point.


On March 23, ExxonMobil filed a “plan of operations” for the eastern North Slope “Point Thomson area” with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Oil and Gas. Unlike previous Point Thomson plans, this application wasn’t called a plan of development, nor did it carry the next plan of development’s number, which would have identified it as the 23rd plan submitted by the operator of the undeveloped Point Thomson unit over the last 30 years.

That’s because both the Point Thomson unit and its leases have been terminated by DNR, although Exxon and other owners are challenging part of those separate decisions in court and in an administrative appeal to the commissioner to halt the process.

Division petroleum manager Nan Thompson told Petroleum News April 5 that the division and other DNR agencies are not reviewing the March 23 plan and well permits submitted by Exxon because of the defunct status of the Point Thomson unit and its leases.

The seven wells Exxon proposes to drill — one per winter — between 2008-09 and 2015 appear to be the same seven wells the company agreed to drill by June 15, 2007, in its 22nd plan of development, and then later asked for the drilling deadline to be extended to June 15, 2009.

There is an estimated 18 billion barrels of oil offshore. The oil would start flowing in as little as three years, however the timetable is irrelevant. If we all have the mindset of ';It'll take years to see the benefit...'; then we might as well give up on civilization right now. It took eight years for the American Revolution, wasn't that worth it?
We are hopeful Because we are tired of paying the Saudi family to kill us.

1. There is more oil than the oil campanies want you to believe

2. Even if gas didn't get cheaper, it be American Jobs

3 %26amp; 4 Yes, we know but the politicians in bed with the oil interest and the Saudi family aren't going to let such a thing happen
If Bill Clinton and the Democrats had not killed any new offshore exploration and drilling back in '93 (along with closing Anwar) we would know the answers today. If the answer was ';Oh Yeah, Baby! Billions of barrels!'; then we would NOT be in the mess we are in now.
the largest oil producers say it depends on the existing structures..in the Gulf, where we already have existing structures, it will take as little as one year to see benefits, off the eastern %26amp; western coast..maybe 6 yrs. further out..within 8-10 yrs.
Offshore drilling could mean increased supplies in 5 years. Increased supplies can only be good. Some people are more pessimistic or optimistic about how good it could be, but I'll say again: increased supplies can only be a good thing.
Because they want to destroy the environment for their young as long as it gives them some non-existent relief at the pump.
Politics is about promises and you guessed it right ';promises are not to be kept';.
Because we aren't going to get viable wind, solar, tidal or geothermal energy until they figure out how to charge us for it.
it will take some time to get an effect, but starting now will help america a few years down the road.
Why are people hopeful? Because we don't want to pay high prices for gas! Should we NOT be hopeful and instead not even look there?
Some people just like to see the glass half full is all, not being realistic..

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