Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why is oil drilling so bad for the environment?

i know nothing about oil drilling, but with modern technology, why does this have to equate to environmental rape? can't they be careful? are there spills? do you have to level mountains to begin drilling? i thought we already brought all kinds of oil here through the alaskan pipeline, is this something new? i'm non partisan, just trying to figure out how drilling equals disaster.Why is oil drilling so bad for the environment?
That is a good question. There is no quick answer. I will not bore you with a three page essay, or a three year study of ';off shore oil spills';. A major problem is oil corporations that exist for bottom line this quarter profits don't reinvest in routine maitenence. West Texas has frequent refinery fires costing lives, and the refineries process crude oil that was drilled. I am sure there are many oil spill related problems we don't hear about because Britney Kfed took the spotlight in the Giganitcorp dog and pony show that is media.

For me the problem is nations that are hostile to western democracy and things like a woman's rights to drive or not have to wear a head to toe bed sheet in public have the most oil reserves on the planet and the solution is alternative fuels. I used to be more liberal about the middle east but though I think there are many nice people trying to be good who profess Islam as a faith of ';peace';, among them are too many who would force it down our throats and on examination the actual holy books of this faith that rules Oil Rich countries are clearly hostile to all other faiths and systems of law.

Until MIT has found a way to harness solar energy for everyday use, and that day is coming, we must use less oil. Use of fossil fuels increases carbon emissions and that leads to fun things like global warming, increased storms and climate change. If Americans reduce carbon emissions by 2% a year we will reduce them by 80% in the year 2050. Change in our lifetime.

How? Drive less, drive the speed limit, don't tailgate as rapid braking and accelerating eats gas, check tirepressure and use cruise control. I can get 34mpg in my 1990 Cadilac on the Highway and I bike in town or walk if it's less than 5 blocks.

Plastics are petroleum based too, how many water bottles do we throw away because there is not a convienient recycling program nearby? My solution is a 10cent deposit on all individual size beverage containers. But I said no three page answer, so adieu.Why is oil drilling so bad for the environment?
Drilling affects the environment in may different ways. Most plants drill for crude oil underground or under the sea. Crude oil is basically unrefined oil, containing bitumen to the lightest, natural gas, in it. Most refineries burn off that natural gas, and that adds methane to the environment, which is 25 times more effective than CO2 at trapping heat. As all the other people mentioned, oil spills happen often due to human error. Pipelines do crack down eventually and lead to disaster because of the fireball created (that's why they don't let you smoke near petrol stations), but drilling for oil isn't that bad. I mean, like 99% of the CO2 created gets absorbed by the oceans.
The drilling alone has very little effect on the envionment in most cases (just don't mention the people in Indonesia that lost their village from the mud eruption) but the transportation of any oil found is potentially harmful to the environment.

Whether by pipeline, road tanker or ship there is always the potential for a serious spill. While rare, they have occurred with disasterous consequences, especially the Exxon Valdeez.

By preventing the drilling you prevent the future consequences.

I predict drilling in the currently off limits areas is inevitable as US oil reserves dwindle. In ten years time it will be a ';matter of national security'; to commence exploration and the green groups will be steamrolled. Not taking sides, just being realistic.
I'm in favor of oil drilling and renewable energy source. but the problem with oil drilling is that you destroy natural habit. have you seen an oil refinery? also do remeber Exxon oil spill in Alaska. that was a long time ago and they still haven't cleaned it all the way up yet. also oil drilling effects the natural enviroment where the animals live. and it disturbs the ecosystem.
Because the use of oil is bad for the environment. It isn't the drilling process that is damaging to the environment.
nothing is wrong with oil drilling its just that oil is a non renewable source and if we run out it wil take a looooong time for it to be maade again. whats bad about the oil is that its beings put in cars and polutes the atmosphere
it destroys the habitat of alaskan creatures. thats about all i know about it.
Yes, sometimes there are spills. And why should we be drilling more oil wells when they won't even produce oil until ten or fifteen years from now? I sincerely hope we're not this dependent on fossil fuels in ten years.

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