Monday, April 26, 2010

Are you for or against drilling for oil?

Nancy pelosi, Harry Reid, and Obama will not allow a bill to come up for a vote on drilling? They have been trying for quite some time and have vowed to get a vote before congress goes on vacation and Pelosi and Reid will not allow it to come up for a vote. Do they have a right to hold us hostage for oil?Are you for or against drilling for oil?
No they do not. But they will. And they should be held accountable for doing so. There reasoning for doing

this is simple. Make it look like a pub problem, And'

they tried and tried but no help from the pubs. Well they

have been found out. People now know who the bad

guy is. And the Dems will pay by losing seats in the

Senate and the House. Pelosi will be gone and Reid

will be run out of town.Are you for or against drilling for oil?
Against. Aside from the fact the Republican governors of California and Florida don't want it. Introducing more oil will mean Americans will mistakenly go back to the huge trucks and SUV's and essentially the incentive to develop alternative sources of energy will evaporate and in another 10 years from now when those sources don't pan out we'll be worse than we are now.

Interesting that Republicans as a group are always so hot to let the market decide something yet they always want to mettle. The market has determined huge gas guzzling trucks and SUV's are not the way to go and an alternative is needed. So get on with the alternative already. Otherwise we will be right back where we are now only worse. Republicans and shortsighted Americans have to realize the market has spoken. We need more Prius's and Hybrids and something more serious than that bull*sh*t stop gap ';Mazola'; excuse me ';Ethanol';.
Are you for or against driving your car and using electricity?

I am for all of those things.


Dear Fire:

By asking the rhetorical question - ';Are for or against driving your car and using electricity?'; - I am using a well-known literary device that implies that the answer to my question is the same as the answer to the question I am responding.

Yes, I know that I am typing on a computer that used oil to get the electricity here - I know that driving my car uses oil. That's why the answer to my question is the same as to the posed question above.

YES - I am FOR drilling oil - just as I am for driving and using electricity - because both of those need oil - I am for drilling to supply the oil.

So, although I will stop short of calling you a moron, I will note that either I am WAY too subtle - or perhaps you are not quite so sophisticated. Or, perhaps you just misread my response, which I guess is OK.

You would have spared yourself the time of reading this whole thing if you hadn't called me a moron, which, BTW, violates the Yahoo!Answers community guidelines.
You ask ';Do they (Pelosi, Reid) have a right to hold us hostage for oil?';

Does Bush have the right to screw up our pristine coastline and destroy our fisheries for a small amount of oil - TEN YEARS from now?

I think if you check into this, you'll find that the oil near our coast (at least in California) is not sufficient to make more than a small dent in our seemingly insatiable appetite for oil.

Clearly, the best choice for spending money that will pay back soon, is on wind and solar. If we offset the energy we use to generate electricity, we're well on our way to energy independence.
I would say that I'm for it.

I know that we need to be looking at alternatives but really what is going to keep us satisfied until we get a viable alternative.. think of it as a snack until dinner is ready.


If we drill then we make demand go down and supply go up DUH.

Oil was not in that high of a demand in 2001. Besides congress has been trying since Bill's years in office and congress has to ok it before it goes into effect and it's dem run so who do you think will have there way? The same question can be asked of Bill when he was in office for 8 years.

My question to you is who was your economics teacher in high school they need to be fired cause they did not do a great job.


How do you think that the computer you are typing on got to where you are using it?

Answer: OIL you moron!
You are exactly right. And if Obama gets elected there will be ZERO chance of us getting OUR OWN OIL out of the ground!!! Think about how quickly the price of oil dropped since Bush took action to lift the ban. This is something that typically happens AFTER the congress appoves it, but it goes to show you how Bush is willing to take the initiative and lead. Obama would never do this. Enjoy your $4/gal gas America!!!
I'm for drilling while looking for other energy sources at the same time. The Senate leaders are refusing to allow a vote on it. I heard another Senator say it would pass if the leaders would allow a vote. I think it's clear Pelosi cares nothing for this country. Obama is, of course, taking the most liberal, destructive view possible.
Thank you Thank you Thank you! Finally someone with some sense!

In Anwar, they want us to drill, this is an area (large area) in AK with a 60% unemployment rate that for obvious reasons need heat all the time... They interviewed last night on CNN that they want us to drill of shore that 60 acres (which is nothing in compared to how much land there is) is all they need to drill 80 miles acrossed underground. That yes, it will take time, but it will lower prices, bring jobs (to them) and local resources...
Against. Drilling for oil won't solve our energy problems here at home.

I'm sure you've heard of the concept of SUPPLY vs. DEMAND.

We don't have that much to SUPPLY, but DEMAND is far outstripping our ability to keep up.

However, my question is this:

Why didn't Bush and the GOP overturn the bans TOGETHER when they assumed power in 2001?

Can you answer me that?
Against. 70% of the existing oil bids out there and ready for Big Oil to tap ... they are sitting on. Why would we give them more land when they won't even utilize half of what's in their hands now? It makes no sense.

Have you followed the oil prices? Increasing supply did not lower the price, the price actually went up $40/barrell after OPEC increased supply. This showcases what economists have said for a couple of years now -- the problem is the devalued U.S. dollar and exploitation of the speculation market. So fix that and invest in sustainable energy.
The whole story. There is 638 MILLION Acres of land that Oil Companies have lease to drill on and they haven't. In the 80's the small Oil Companies started being bought out because it cost more to operate than what they were selling it for. Now. Exxon has more land than they need they are greedy. Why do you think we are over in Iraq. Just greedy. Drill on the land they have leases to drill on NOW.


Against drilling for oil! Why should we keep the old ways, there are other clean resources that are presented.
I think I read 78% of the nation is for drilling, the Democrat's will bow to those kind of numbers, their approval rating is in the gutter already and they don't want it going any lower.
Hmmm, drill for it or pay someone else to drill for it.... tough call.

Put me down for drilling. The democrats can never win when times are good, so they make sure that everyone is unhappy on election year.
It won't matter. Bush already trades most of out domestic oil anyway. Another globalist in the White House won't make matters any better. We trade our oil and coal, and get cheap crap from columbia and china in return. Dam* crooks.
someone says NO.鈥?/a>

just political positioning.
I am for drilling. No, they shouldn't hold us hostage. I'm sure they have a reason, though. I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. It is all in the strategy and rhetoric.
They have to appease the environmentalists. They refuse to understand that until new sourses of energy can be found, we still need oil.
For it as long as the oil stays in America; Oil drilled in America should remain in America; energy is a national interest and will be from here on out; can't afford to export it.
What the f*ck are we saving it for anyway?????? This is all such a load of crap don't ya think? I think it is and I'm really tired of it myself.
I'm for drilling for oil. Regardless of rights, they control mroe than they should over us.
For drilling... more supply = lower cost
no it should be decided on before vacation . we need to drill our oil. or in next 10 years we will be paying $200 or $ 300 a drum from mideast

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