Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Due to High fuel prices and angry voters will democrats give in and allow drilling for oil or lose voters?

This is one of the very few issues on which I agree with the conservatives.

Drill away!Due to High fuel prices and angry voters will democrats give in and allow drilling for oil or lose voters?
Price of oil on the market is mostly commodities market driven. It is a deliberate bubble, there hasn't been any substantial increase in demand of oil within the past 6months to justify it.

Even if 100 trillion barrels of new oil was found off the coast of Florida tommorow, we do not have the refinery capasity to process it. It takes years to build refineries and years to do exploritory drilling. There isn't a short term fix other than driving more fuel effecient cars.Due to High fuel prices and angry voters will democrats give in and allow drilling for oil or lose voters?
I hope not.

Drilling in ANWR and off the coastline is not the answer.

The problem here is NOT due to shortages on the supply side. If it were, then there would be drilling in thousands of currently un-used oil leases that are already issued to the industry. If it were, then there would be lines at the gas pumps like in 1973 when OPEC cut us off.

There are already ESTABLISHED wells that are not being pumped in those lands. If the oil companies wanted to, they could start pumping today and lower the price of oil. But then they'd loose profit, wouldn't they?

The Bush Administration just wants you to think that drilling is the answer so they can gain control of even more public lands for their private profits.
HIGH fuel prices are fake since there is enough oil in market and in reserves, profit of oil companies are billion each month, bush family is in oil business for years, drilling is another game and more profit for oil companies,and damages to environment , who ever is against drilling and more profits for bush family and oil companies will gain more smart voters
lose voters.

obviously you are against obama, as is evident by your icon.


BIG TIME!! I am a Libertarian, the complete opposite of a socialist. We believe in a limited government, sound money, and personal liberty.
They will not give in, they are in the HANDS of the Oil Companies quoted by Ed Koch- he said its really quite Criminal. Oil Companies have invested too much in the Speculation, they would LOOSE money!. Poor babies. DRILL HERE DRILL NOW Americansolutionscom
I think they will NOT allow drilling. These knuckleheads NEVER learn from History. They will be voted out, before they give in.
No most people are smarter than that. The gimmicks don't work anymore. drilling won't solve the problem now because we won't see any new oil for at least ten years at least.
They may be forced to give in but not until after the election.

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