Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Whay would be the pros and cons of drilling for oil here in America?

Could yopu give me pros/and or cons please ?Whay would be the pros and cons of drilling for oil here in America?

-expand American oil companies

-more American oil reserves to export as well as home use


-Natural habitat loss

-Possible industrial accidents along American Coast

Just to note: In my opinion, these higher gas prices are a good thing. It has kicked oil companies, car manufactures, and other industries to create alternate and cleaner fuels. Ask yourself, would there be the same amount of people driving hybrid cars, or these new types of alternate fuels being put into vehicles is gas prices were low? I think we shouldn't drill for oil, we should ween ourselves off of oil as a fuel source and look for something cleaner, more efficient, and readily available.Whay would be the pros and cons of drilling for oil here in America?
Cons: 1) It would take 5 to 10 years to show any actual price drop not only that but it could very well end up increasing taxes due to environemental damage like oil spills. The ban on off shore drilling was done by Bush's father not by a democrat.

2) Easy solutions like this do not work because they offer little in actual long term relief plus can cause more long term problems.

3) The dangers of the proposal for off shore drilling are easy to ignore under desperate circumstances. And could easily cause HUGE tax increases due to environmental hazards like oil spills that the government would have to spend a lot on cleaning up.

Pros: None that I could think of.
We are the only nation on earth with a moritorium on off shore drilling. How the arab states must laugh at us knowing we are sitting on more oil than they are. There is a 13 times greater chance of an oil spill from tankers across thousands of miles of ocean, than there is from local pipelines.

I was raised in east texas where the oil was pumped night and day, in school yards, cemetaries, golf courses, even downtown in parking lots. There is no environmental danger, and any one who says we shouldn't drill for oil is a fool, and can't see how everything hinges on it.
Oil is a commodity traded on the international market, oil drilled from America is sold on the same market at the same price as all the rest of the oil. Oil from Alaska is more likely to wind up on gas tanks in Beijing rather than New York. The only people that will benefit are the oil companies (foreign) that drill and sell the oil.

If you pump every drop of oil available in the U.S. it will not lower the price you pay for gas by one single cent.
Pros: There are none, at least for the people we keep voting into office.

Cons: GW Bush and administration gets less money.

Gas would be less expensive for Americans.

The US is not reliant upon foreign governments for oil.
I don't agree with off shore drilling but I see no reason not to drill in some areas on land. There is plenty of oil in many states in remote areas. It would add to the economy, ease the price of oil, and even create jobs here. I would like to see us not have to rely on our enemies for our energy. They cut us off 30 years ago and they could easily do it again.

Plus, there is much more demand for oil by other countries as well. It will take another 20 years before we can dramatically reduce our oil usage. Are we just supposed to hope for the best until that happens while we're paying $10/gal.

1. Less oil from abroad, however, price will not change.


1. It is putting off the inevitable. We need to look at other sources for fuel.

2. Drilling in Alaska will destroy an incredible natural habitat.

3. We need to take care of this planet and see if we can reverse the damage that has been done.
It's necessary because the World Bank is using America's need for oil to fund third world debt, they are behind the jack-up.

Iran plans to flood the oil market in September using the Euro as mark currency which will tank the US dollar.

The US must have its own oil.


Here's the rsults of Larry Sinclaire's Press Conference

it lists cell phone numbers, dates, times, receipts, bills, witnesses, and police affidavits
For one thing, drilling off the east coast would be just plain stupid. If you recall Hurricane Katrina and every other strong Hurricane did mega damage to all the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

The east coast, especially the southern east coast would have the same problems when a strong Hurricane came through. DUH!

They did start drilling off the southern west coast years ago and it was a flop. They got nothing other than ugly scenery for those driving on the 101 freeway, or Pacific Coast Highway.

They are guesstimating that there is oil further out. But they don't know for sure. I don't want my tax dollars being spent on a whim. Plain and simple.
It wouldn't be nearly as effective as alternative energy sources, which have been proven to work without polluting the environment.

Drilling is a very nasty process. Do you want an oil well in your back yard??? Have you ever seen one up close? I have! They STINK!
What we need to do is wean ourselves from the oil teat and develop alternative sources of fuel and energy. Drilling for more oil does not help that along. Lessening our dependence on oil leads to cleaner air and gives us a reason to leave that sandbox in the middle east alone.
goggle or Yahoo search The Bakken Oil Reserves (North Dakota) or the BLM report on Oil reserves in the Naval Petroleum Reserves or even industry reports in Alaska's Oil and Gas zine...then get back to us...

BTW North Dakota needs at least 1000 new oil workers now! I wonder why?
It would involve destroying a lot of protected wildlife and lands. That's a big con. Also, it's bad for the environment in general. What we need to do is develop another type of fuel.
cons: americans are incapable of drilling for oil because they are too FAT.
larger profits from selling oil to China, and eco-nuts will toss more of a fit over global warming
Economic strength through energy independence... Grow our crops to feed the world....
NO con's we need to do something now !!! and the Republicans have been trying to get us to drill but the Dem's are saying no. So for all the people blaming Bush for the high gas prices. lol ! get your knowledge straight. I mean can we live with 5.00 gas. NO we have to do something and quickly and Obama is so stupid he just thinks he's gonna walk into office and do WHAT !!!!

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