I dont believe that is the solution to petroleum crisis that exists in the world. It has been proven that the oil can take years to extract. Bush is trying to save his presidency which is something that cant be done. The best solution to the petrolium crisis is for the world to find an alternative energy source which could include ethanol and other sources. Bush's proposal might be a short term solution but people need to think realistically. Petroleum will not be around forever. It would be wise to start searching alternative sources now. What ever happened to the United States being such a powerful country? I think not when its dependent on other nations to run its basic necessities. Long term solutions need to be thought of an implemented as soon as possible. Short term solutions should include discussion with OPEC who I am sure would be more open to deal with the U.S. if it had not violated the sovereignty of more that half of the member states.What are your thoughts on President's Bush on lifting the ban on drilling oil in America.?
Even if they were permitted to drill where ever they wished it won't make any difference in the price of oil or gas! And he cannot make Congress repeal the law, so bush is just talking out of the side of his mouth again! If more oil were available they would simply sell it overseas and then it would come back to us even more expensive than it already is currently!
ANYTHING that will cut, reduce or deduct funds from going to the main sponsors of world wide terrorism is fine with me. As far as salvation for the economy, it won't hurt, but not the entire answer.
Banking issues are a major economic problem. but that's for another posting.
Drilling for oil in our own country and surrounding oceans is only common sense. If we don't start 'harvesting' our oil the Chinese and Cubans are going to be drilling for it anyway in our OWN BACK YARD. If the tree huggers want to 'defend' the environment from something, how about from the Genghis Khan of the oil world? Would they rather have China, who cares absolutely Nothing about the environment, sloshing oil covered crud all over the eastern seaboard, or the US companies that have a pretty good track record for doing it right?
The economy will not be ';boosted';.
The price of gas is never coming down.
Don't be fooled by the lies perpetrated by the government.
We depend on the middle east; and we will until the world adopts new energy sources.
The offshore drilling that Bush is hoping for will only add to the oil companies profits.
Having our own oil will be a boost to the US economy because it will decrease the price of gas. It will start decreasing the price of a barrel of oil as soon as CONGRESS approves the lifting of the ban. Now he needs to lift the ban on drilling in ANWR. Then we can get congress to approve that. Then watch the OPEC nations spin.
It DOESN'T MEAN A THING. He knows how gullible the average AmeriKan is and he knows that they can't do the simple math to know that it takes at LEAST 2 YEARS to build an offshore platform... (right now, the waiting list is 3 YEARS) and he knows that, by the time they get the leases and go through all the effort, it will be 10 YEARS at a MINIMUM before they will be pumping oil from those new offshore wells.
What he ISN'T telling the gullible AmeriKans is... THERE ARE OFFSHORE WELLS THAT ARE CAPPED OFF AND NOT PUMPING and HAVE BEEN capped off for a number of years now. Those wells could be re-opened much quicker and much easier than drilling offshore.
The OIL INDUSTRY... you know... the same people who gave us VIET NAM and DESERT SCAM ONE AND TWO... (better known as the 2 IRAQ WARS FOR OIL)... remember (O)peration (I)raqi (L)iberation.. you know... the NAME of the INVASION... which was all done because it's what the OIL INDUSTRY WANTED...
Well, that SAME Oil Industry has been wanting to drill ANWAR and OFF SHORE for 40 years and they are using the Iraq War and the ignorance and gullibility of AmeriKans to sell them on the idea that drilling offshore and in ANWAR is the only way to do... even though it will take A MINIMUM OF 10 YEARS before the first drop of oil flows.
It all depends as wither or not Congress will get off of their butts and vote to do so! The pressident can not do anything with out congress approval. The way it has been for the last thirty years they will do nothing except to try to tax their way out of it. So get ready to dip into your pockets further than you ever have. But try to put the blame where it belongs! With Congress!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think that's a good idea it's better if they lift the ban when oil in the middle east is completely depleted. Because when they are the only one supplying oil everywhere the US will be in control of everything and their economy will surely boost...
Hopefully, please God, it will decrease the motive of the US to flatter around Saudi Arabia or fascist secessionist regimes in the Balkans (in order to find an easy way to ship oil from the Caucuses).
I like it. If Clinton didn't veto the measure to drill in ANWR in 1994-95 we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with. We still need to ween ourselves off of oil but I think people are on their way to inventing ways to do this.
i think it means he's desperate and wants us to be reliant on the us than the middle east, he wants to control the world and with gordon brown up his **** he thinks he'll have a better chance
he is hevily invested in the oil industry.
when he says this he just wants to make more money. can you blame him.... thats why we are in iraq today.. so he can make more money. cant blame a guy for wanting to make money right. Its only many lives lost but at least he can buy more stuff
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