What do you want? Why can't we use a little common sense and think beyond what we have been told by a few self proclaimed experts that are usually only washed up Hollywood types?Which would you prefer, drilling for oil in the US or depending on the Middle East?
Common sense is in short supply these days. Especially for liberals and the nutty environmentalists. They whine about energy independence, yet fight any proposal to drill in Alaska or offshore in the continental shelf. Then they bring up these inefficient ideas like ethanol and bio diesel, which is less efficient than petrol, uses tons of water to refine, uses vast amounts of acreage to grow (which erodes the topsoil and thus is bad for the environment), drives up the cost of corn as well as all foods, has to be shipped across the country in trucks as opposed to pipelines like petrol mostly uses and is also taxed twice once for the farm subsidies and at the pump. It would take fields the size of Minnesota and Texas combined to grow the amount of corn that would make up only 10% of our energy needs. Not to mention the inefficient wind farms or solar panel concepts, when we could use the cleanest most efficient energy source of all, nuclear power, but the libs hate that too.
We also need to build more refineries.Which would you prefer, drilling for oil in the US or depending on the Middle East?
Screw the caribou.Drill A.N.W.R
I'd like to see Alaska opened up, the Gulf off of Florida (I live in FL), as well as lands on the Continental US (oil shale, etc) the neglect of these resources is just plane stupid. Developing these resources as well as the gasification of coal will give us time to find and develop alternate energy resources that will not only help us, but will aid the entire world... world population is only going to get larger and a reliable energy source will be necessary if everyone isn't going to live a 3rd world existence.
Are you nuts? Even if we drilled in every single spot possible here, there wouldn't be enough oil to support the U.S. needs.
That is why we need to reduce on dependency on oil, no matter where it comes from.
how about an alternative form of energy? You see there is a third choice.
I'll stick with our President Bush and go for the oil in the Middle East!
We are becoming too dependent on other countries for not just oil but many other things and if they at some point would cut us off we could be in real trouble.
well, there's a lot of oil reserves yet to be found in suitable places and in wells using new technology to access all the oil down there
also, the Middle East is not where we get the most of our foreign oil. For that, look to Canada.
The Middle East simply CONTROLS oil prices by having OPEC which has the ability to flood the market and stop any country from outproducing them.
I would prefer that it was drilled for here before we go looking elsewhere for oil. That's just a personal opinion though. i do like trees, but don't really care to hug them.
I would prefer to be less dependent on oil as an energy source.
The long term plan is that we will tap the Middle East dry of their resources and still have our reserves here in the U.S. Then everyobdy will become dependent upon us.
Drill for oil in America and give Iran nuclear energy in the form of a bomb we drop on Tehran.
I say we drill for oil in our own country, build more refineries, and spotted owls be damned!
We are not drilling for more oil, nor are we building any new refineries. Thank the democrats once again.
Drilling in the U.S.
Do you realize that most of ';our'; oil produced from Alaska is sold to Japan, China, and other asian countries?
Your argument is a red herring, manufactured by the oil companies to dupe Americans into thinking they have our best interests in mind when in fact, the only thing they're interested in is their own bottom lines.
But I'll propose a compromise. Pass a law allowing drilling in ANWR with stiff mandatory prison sentences for any oil company executives who sell ANY of the oil to anyone but American refiners. Then we will see the oil company's true colors, and they won't be pretty.
Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
I would prefer drilling in the U.S., particularly opening up ANWR in Alaska. All the treehuggers who say it would disrupt natural wildlife and that cr*p need to get a clue and search the internet. The area being considered is out in the middle of nowhere, no wildlife (animal or trees) to speak of, etc. I heard an analogy once that if the area was a floor rug it would be just a very small area in the corner of the rug.
I'm biased as hell - drill here!! Alaskans have wanted ANWR open for years now....and we're *still* getting screwed by Washington, in spite of current global pressures.
If you're opposed to drilling in ANWR, you shouldn't even own a car. There are people here who ride their bikes everywhere - miles of commuting - even at -40. If they can do it....so can you.
Looney, I agree with you that ANWR will not solve our problems - but it *will* buy us some much-needed time. But don't fool yourself - this will only happen when and if the American people demand it. And since more Americans vote for American Idol than in governmental elections.....I won't hold my breath.
You can only drill where there are reserves, and the U.S. has not too many left.
We get the majoirty of our oil from Mexico/Canada
not a whole lot from the Middle East...
I prefer driving my electric-plug in, or a compressed-air, hydrogen, fuel-cell, or water-powered car once they become readily available.
But go ahead and keep fighting over oil, fine by me.
Drilling in the US. We have safeguards here about that.
Get off oil.
A) Saves Ecosystem
B) Keeps us out of Mid East
We will have to get rid of oil some time. It's time to move on.
There's anatomically driven electricity, such as riding a bike that uses movement to charge a big battery. Not enough to power a whole house, but enough to charge up a large chunk.
My ideal is to have solar panels on my roof and run my house and car on solar energy. It is possible but the big oil, utilities and auto makers have squashed alternative energy development. Running your car on solar produced electric energy is like paying 50 cents a gallon for gas. Sometime in the (I hope) near future we will have no other choice and the tax breaks and low interest loans to install these systems will be put in place.
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