Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why does John McCain want the oil from offshore drilling to be exported to other countries?

Wouldn't that only benefit the oil companies? Why does John McCain want the oil from offshore drilling to be exported to other countries?
Yes you are right - Some Americans are being duped to believe otherwise. Exxon is for Exxon and no one else.

. Why does John McCain want the oil from offshore drilling to be exported to other countries?
McCain is a toady of big oil. Much of his campaign staff have often worked as lobbyists for oil industry companies. This is the main reason he has backed off his former principled stand against the Enron loophole, which allows energy companies to reduce competition by becoming monopolies. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, McCain's campaign has accepted over a million dollars from the oil and gas industry, that investment has resulted in McCain's call for offshore drilling, which will likely do nothing for the prices at the pump, due to consolidation of the competition.
Yes, it would benefit the oil companies. And that is the problem with drilling for more.

What happens when more oil floods the market? The prices go down and the usage goes up and this inevitably leads to those high prices again. Basically, to answer your question, these oil companies, whether they are drilling in Miami or Greenland, offer up their product on the open world market and whomever has the highest offer gets it. American oil companies, as you are taking note of, care nothing about America and only about profit. It's capitalism at its extreme, considering America needs to focus on America these days.
He doesn’t. What he does NOT want is a regulation that says all oil produced from domestic wells must be used domestically and CANNOT be exported. We could, at any time, impose a “domestic use only” rule, but it would be counter-productive to do that now. It would not make economic sense.

If we have a field that is producing high-sulfur crude and our refineries are processing low-sulfur crude, it is more economical to export our high-sulfur crude and import an equivalent amount of low-sulfur crude. It is very expensive to shut down a refinery so it can switch from low-sulfur to high-sulfur crude. When the refinery is down, it obviously does not produce anything.

This is not a question of “letting the oil companies do whatever they want” with oil from domestic fields. The price of oil is set by the market, not by the oil companies. OPEC can and does push oil prices up and down by decreasing or increasing production, but our oil companies, individually or collectively, do not have the ability to do that.

Some of our politicians are blaming our high energy costs on our oil companies. If the oil companies are responsible, why did congress recently pass legislation enabling American entities (individuals and corporations) to sue OPEC for price-fixing? And why is congress looking at the role of commodities speculators in causing oil prices to rise? That’s like making a positive identification of the person who robbed you but asking the police to bring in the members of his family so you can look at them, too.

Well it increased world supply and of course we don't use oil from America. It is far cheaper to have it transported from around the world than from in our backyard.

Pay someone a penny an hour = cheap gas. Pay someone 50k a year = expensive gas.

However the amount of oil gotten from the destroying the wildlife refuge would = no change in gas prices and in fact probably increase them due to increased spending by oil companies.
Yes, but the already hefty profit making oil companies are backing him. The rich will thrive in a McCain administration. Just like they have in the past 8 yrs all the while thousands of Americans are losing their jobs. Republicans take care of the rich, have widened the gap between the Middle Class to the point that many that were Middle Class are now considered poor.
Why do Democrats want to tax everything they see? Why do environmental extremists want us to live with no electricity or modern conveniences and go back to the stone age? Why are their socialists and radical facists making up a majority of Democrat Party?

We can do ';what if's'; all day.

Let's make a few things clear. ';Oil companies'; and other ';Big Business'; are nothing more than groups of people. Businesses do not roam the countryside and try to terrorize people. Businesses employ people. Businesses are owned by Americans in their pension plans and in their personal stocks. If we can help any of our businesses we should. Businesses produce products and services that we want or need.

We should be concerned about ';Big Government';, ';Big taxation'; and ';Big Public Education';. These are things we need to be concerned about and not our privately owned %26amp; run companies. Our nation is based on individual freedom, low taxation and small government.

Remember, ';Big Oil'; pays huge amounts of taxes, way more than ';Big Water';, ';Big Coffee';, or ';Big Hollywood';. That being said, at the end of the day you must realize that businesses really don't pay taxes. People pay taxes. If a business is taxed that cost is transferred on to the price of their products %26amp; services or through less expansion, less hiring and less pay for their employees and stock holders. We should eliminate ALL federal taxes and implement a simple consumption tax. But, that is an entirely different topic.

Remember that more freedom and less government is the answer.

God Bless America kid, please next time pay attention..he wants it here. but said that given that there is so much oil out there we may even become an exporter IF we can develop all of the fields we have!

they found billions of barrels in the rockies, and billions are calculated to be off our coasts just waiting to be tapped!

just tell the eco-nazies to let us get to them!
will someone explain to me WHEN someone told you that privately owned companies are subject to being grabbed by the US government?

the oil companies owe you and me and the USA NOTHING. we live in a capitalist economy. we are not communists.
This is a situation we cannot drill our way out of. Billionaire T. Boone Picken. John McCain sounding like a broken record, drill here and drill now. That is so Old, so narrow minded.
Ok genius he supports offshore drilling to be closer to ENERGY INDEPENDENCE, he's not going to send it to other countries, mabye you check your facts fist.
When did he say that? Besides, it doesn't matter where the oil goes...if there is more supply the price will fall...this is basic economics.
because he is a moron.

here watch this video...…
Do you even know where 'drilled' oil goes?
he doesnt he wants it here
We run an Capitalist economy, its better to export and make money
Bull poop.

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