Is it because he thinks we should pay much more than $4 a gallon gas? Or is it because of his elitist attitude that other countries should drill but we are too good for that?Why is Obama against drilling for oil inside USA?
Obama's support and money comes mostly from extremists in the environmental movement and all the other extremist political groups in the country.
Drilling for oil does not damage the environment any more than wind farms, frankly not nearly as much.
The very fact that Bush expressed support for domestic drilling brought down the price of oil. If congress did the same prices would immediately drop a great deal.
The reason for this is that it has the same effect that a stock rumor drives stock prices both up and down.
Oil speculators become more hesitant to buy up oil for future profits and are more apt to sell it expecting prices to drop.
95% of all the oil purchases are by NON OIL refining enities.Why is Obama against drilling for oil inside USA?
Unlike many responders, I will try to give a balanced response. It probably won't gte me a ';best answer'; award, but so be it. Sen. Obama is not opposed to drilling for oil inside the US. There are vast areas of federal lands which are already available for exploration, but the oil companies aren't doing anything with them. There is always going to be a conflict between exploration and environmental preservation. The recent controversy is mainly a political ploy, designed to drive a wedge between voters. There are two primary battlegrounds; the ANWR Reserve and the some of the Gulf of Mexico. In both cases, the environmentalists claim a serious threat to the sensitive regions exists. The oil companies claim they do not. There is no simple answer to this. The two questions that are included in the noriginal question are irrelevant. Neither one is correct.
He, like myself, feels that we should look for alternative fuels instead. It's time to start making oil obsolete. We can lead the planet if we get started now. The industry we develop would be exported at great benefit to our economy.
He feels also that doing the same thing the same way over and over only produces the same results. The Alaskan pipeline was supposed to keep a shortage from happening here again. It would have except the oil is put on the world market. Drilling is not a solution to the problem.
The oil companies should be forced to drill on the leases they already have or lose them. They are trying with Bush's help to garner all the leases they can so they can control how much is drilled and thus control the export of it! If we quit exporting our oil and using it in this country we would have plenty to live on for years and years! However the oil companies would not achieve record profits and Bush and cronies would not receive record dividends!
Environmentalists want higher fossil fuel prices to discourage their use and to hasten the transition to alternatives. Drilling would counter this effect, and of course put a bunch of machines off of our coasts. As they're a key component of Obama's coalition it would make sense he wants to prevent this as well.
Neither. He is in the pockets of the Green Industry. It's sad, it seems to be the only lobby these people don't mind being attached to. Screw the American people, apparently some loser selling carbon credits needs to make a buck off the gullible in America.
I say we pay no attention to the people who (wrongly) say it will take us 10+ years to get oil from drilling and DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW, and PAY LESS!
he hasn't even been elected yet and already the feeble minded right is crucifying him. Hey, pal, your boy george took office and gas was a buck fifty a gallon--now it's tripled. You blaming the dems makes phil gramm's statement ';we are a nation of whiners'; ring true. Rather than blame the left, try placing the blame on your puke head hero, boy george.
obama is pushing for more ethanol use. and last year he just took the bulk of his money and purchase stock in ethanol plants in Illinios.
google it as yahoo wont let me post the story about his recent investments
Plus, there just isn't enough oil in the US for it to really make much of a difference. We'd burn through it all in roughly 15 years.
Because he knows that all resources in the US have been guarantied as collateral for our national debt to other countries .
Because he has absolutely no idea what the heck he's doing or saying or even whether he's coming or going.
I'll take reason number 1. This way we can put you into tin can cars and little cubicles above the light rail station.
Barrack Hussein Obama
It's so that the frogs get to live instead of the people and his Muslim brothers continue getting rich.
Drilling will do only 2 things, making oil companies more profit and will destroy environment
He'd lose some of our money if gas prices got lower, and his real friends would lose sales.
Follow the money, honey, he has a lot of backing from ethanol people.
Because its not going to help since Bush has already sealed our faith with the saudi families of BIN LADIN
Does the word IDIOT come to mind...???
he wants oil from the middle east
Because it won't lower oil prices for several years, and then only by a few cents a gallon.
The real solution to this crisis is to get us off the oil by investing in alternatives, raising fuel efficiency standards, and by releasing oil from the strategic petroleum reserve and re-regulating speculation (which the Republicans de-regulated when they were in power), which would lower prices immediately.
the oil companies have leases on tens of thousands of untouched acres on US soil. they can start more drilling operations anytime they like. Its not about Obama...
because republicans are for it.
Monday, April 26, 2010
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