I think Americans, in general, agree that we need to diversify our energy sources, but when we have drifted from getting 25% of our oil abroad to 75%, isn't it time to tap our own reserves? Maybe if we feel the impact more directly, we could seriously contemplate how to ease ourselves away from oil dependency more incrementally.Democrats: What are your feelings about drilling for oil on our own soil?
Has it ever occurred to you that we have probably used up most of the oil deposits in this country already? Why would Exxon buy foreign oil if there was any left in this country? I think we've used it all up except what there might be in those hard to reach places. It costs so much to drill in these areas that in the past it has been more cost efficient to just import the oil. Now that they have us over a barrel, we'd better do something fast.Democrats: What are your feelings about drilling for oil on our own soil?
Drill, drill, drill, to help buy time. Then start building nuke plants while working on the technology needed to make electric cars affordable and practical.
I think that much of the needed technology is there, but it's being suppressed by big oil, both domestic and especially abroad, using our government as it's tool. It's all about selling as much oil as possible, for as much money as possible, for as long as possible. All we get from politicians is lip service.
I don't define myself as a Democrat, but I am going to play Devil's advocate.
There are many flaws in believing that drilling for oil right here at home will solve our energy problems. First of all, we ';only'; have about 10 billion barrels of reserves in Alaska, for example. Even if we were to utilize that, it could harm the environment, and it would take almost a decade to see the results. I bet it that amount of extra oil in the market won't be enough to make much of an impact on prices anyway. Especially considering that the energy demand will be much higher ten years from now. The reserves we have here in the U.S. wouldn't be a long term fix either. It would only be enough to last for less than a year. It's hardly worth it.
We need to diversify our energy sources, and oil isn't the answer. Lets solve this problem, instead of just procrastinating it.
God, or whomever you believe is the creator of Earth, put oil in the ground for a reason. I don't believe oil was meant to become a river for humans to swim in.
I believe God put it there for a resource, to be used for mankind to develop. Not to be abused, but used in moderation, just like the animals were put here to feed humans, and for us also to enjoy their beauty, with respect.
I think we should drill for oil in the USA, but I also think we should stop being gas guzzlers, and crying about how expensive oil prices are.
People have become greedy for oil, and rely on it too much.
How about a nice walk through the park when you want to stop at the market for a few items, instead of driving?
You might see, and hear something beautiful...like squirrels racing around a tree-stump, playing, birds singing in the trees?
Maybe Americans might learn something, too?
Respect your resourses!
I walk everywhere, and when I have a little more shopping than usual, I take a wagon my son and I bought together, and load her up!
I feel good about it -
The Truth..
The U.S. is the Worlds Third (3rd) Largest petroleum producer,
though it has only the 12th largest crude reserve.
of course we cant keep up that kind of production with those kind of reserves forever, can we !?!?
and.. in 2006 the United States produced more than 8 million barrels of oil each day
it consumed more than 20 million per day.
domestic drilling will Never make up that kind of short fall.
DRILL DRILL DRILL and DRILL some more!!!
The dimwit 8% Democrat Congress led by the idiot Nancy Pelosi DON'T GET IT. SO what if it takes 5 yrs 10 yrs or 20 yrs to produce a drop of oil, did they ever think, (NO they don't), that there are several MILLION autos,trains, trucks, ships and aircraft that DEPEND on OIL?
If the US reduces it's dependence on foreign oil that will play a huge part in solving the weak dollar as well as bring down the price of gasoline. $700 billion is what we send offshore each year to buy oil. That's money not going into our economy.
saturate the market with cheep US oil? that would reduce the price internationally, make us more money, and take money away from middle-east tyrants.... that sounds too logical for a Democrat to comprehend
Drilling in the U.S. is definitely the way to go!
Check out this site:
American Solutions
Personally i don't give a crap I happened to know that there will be a new energy source coming out this year that will free all of us from the energy hogs so let them drill all they want . No skin off my nose
it will only help slightly. the real problem we need to solve to lower gas prices is the weakening of the dollar
I agree with corvato, he says it best!!!!! good one!!
pump that sh!t and put up a windmill in the process woot woot *****
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