Monday, April 26, 2010

Will President elect Obama now help America by drilling for oil on our own land?

Opec oil nations actually hate America..By withholding oil from being shipped here would crumble us and bring America to it's knees and having us summit to whatever decrees our enemies would want...We need to get resources here on our own soil and not depend on our enemies to be our suppliers.....What do you think?Will President elect Obama now help America by drilling for oil on our own land?
The democrats are determined to follow the Carter energy policy, which is scream about shortages and kow-tow to our enemies because we can't have someone drilling here, it might harm some flower or bug or ruin some important person's view, that's why they build windmills in remote locations with only partial wind supply and hundreds of miles of powerline grids, instead of putting them in the highest wind areas, such as Long Island Sound, within miles of the greatest population centers that will need that energy. We have natural gas reserves that people who have no problem using gas don't want anyone to tap, and three centuries worth of coal on hand, which currently supplies half of our electricity but Obama has stated he wants to shut down. More importantly, the supply of petroleum products the USA consumes from foreign markets, means that much less available to other markets, such as our allies in Europe who will be left to beg their home heating and electric supply from Putin, who invaded Georgia to seize the only pipelines between the Middle East and Europe he or his pals in Iran don't already control. Do you think Russia or China drilling a mile offshore of the USA coast will do it more enviromentally responsible? Wake up USA, we and the rest of the free world are being delivered into the jaws of our enemies, don't give your politicians any slack, let them know when they do something stupid, I doubt they will be able to control themselves until the next election.

Oil did not result from dead dinosaurs, it is stored carbon from all organic materials, and it probably can be found around most of the globe if you drill deep enough, it just might not be feasible depending on the quality/quanity. The reason the acreage already open to lease isn't being drilled is they have already surveyed it and determined it's not possible or viable. Not even being able to survey the remaining acreage for energy reserves is just plain stupid, like Congress.Will President elect Obama now help America by drilling for oil on our own land?
First... Despite OPEC nations hating us we have been trading oil with them for decades now and America hasn't crumbled, so that's just an over reaction.

Secondly, If drilling for oil was a true National Security issue as you have indicated, why hasn't President Bush passed an executive order in the interest of National Security for us to drill, it's kinda like saying the war in Iraq is comparable to WWII and then telling America to just go shopping. Either it is the end of the world or it isn't!

Thrid, it will take ten years to get the new oil from the ground and worked into the American refinery system, in which case you come across the next road block... there aren't enough refineries to handle the amount of oil you anticipate. So what's going to happen in 10 years that hasn't happened already? NOTHING! If you can waith 10 years , you can waith 20 years.

Lastly, Obama recognizes we need to get away from oil all together and our money should be spent in newforms of energy not reinvesting in this problematic and decietful industry that has failed us. You should have learned by now that form the already failed 700 billion dollar bail out that just because they say it's a sure thing rarely means that it is.

Stop wanting to take the easy way out all of the time and be willing to roll up your sleeves and do some real investing in your country's future.

he doesn't care about the poor and middle classes struggling on gas automobiles.

he'll bail out auto mfg--continue the oil addiction-he promised foreign OIL he'd vote against alternative auto engines and drilling.

He is not interested in HELPING AMERICANS--only his own gang of thieves.

He is a black muslim--isn't he?

He's bought and Paid for by:::::: BIG OIL--I say no more.
Why can't you people understand there is 65,000,000 ACRES where the U.S. can drill.. the problem is.. the OIL COMPANIES (you remember them.. the same ones that put Bush into power and conned him into INVADING a peaceful foreign country).. anyway.. the OIL COMPANIES don't want to drill in the SIXTY FIVE MILLION ACRES they already HAVE... they want to drill IN PROTECTED AREAS... such as CORAL REEFS AND FISHERIES..

Just how STUPID ARE YOU PEOPLE that you are so ready to DESTROY the nation's oceans just for some oil.
No, he's already said that we will have to remain dependent on foreign oil for at least 10 years while we spend billions to invest in alternatives. I hope he doesn't include corn ethanol, but I'm sure he will.
To the contrary, he's already planning on using executive privilege to halt any chance of drilling.

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