Why are the candidates not pushing for drilling for oil in ANWR and off the Gulf Coast and the California coast. Doesn't everyone want America to be oil independent? Doesn't everyone want the price of oil to come down? This would be a great issue but none of the candidates are talking about it. Why are they afraid to do the peoples will?Is there anyone out there that thinks drilling for oil in ANWR and on the coasts is a bad idea?
i hate to break it to ya but i am in texas and we have more oil then we can say grace over,, we have oil in reserve tanks but cant get someone to come and pick it up,, there is plenty of oil if they want to be serious about us being independentIs there anyone out there that thinks drilling for oil in ANWR and on the coasts is a bad idea?
The reason no one is talking about it is because 1. A majority of people polled in the US don't want drilling in ANWR. 2. If we drilled right now, the oil woulnd't hit the market for 10 years and it would do NOTHING to reduce the price of gasoline, or our dependence on foreign oil. 3. Everyone can see that the REAL ANSWER is increased fuel efficiency and alternative energy resources all of which are currently available, but are not promoted due the powerful oil and auto maker lobbies in Washington.
It will take 10 years before one drop of ANWAR oil hits the gas pumps. And, it will only be enough supply to lower the cost of gas 1-2% a gallon.
Not worth it to me. Instead giving big oil a new playground to make BILLIONS MORE IN PROFITS, why not start doing things that make us use less gas...
-invest in smarter street ligths that keep people from idling to long.
- good mass transit in medium sized cities
-make cars get ligther and smaller.
- give millions of dollars to congested cities to build more alternative routes in and out of cities. I live in St. Paul/Minneapolis. We have some of the best urban bike and walking trails in America.
Because it would tank the value of the dollar. Our currency is the worlds reserve currency because OPEC sells oil exclusively in dollars. If we were to drill in ANWR OPEC would switch off USD and switch to Euros. Look up the petro dollar and Kissinger. Our government has backed us into a corner and left us very few options.
Because it is so much easier for liberals to spout meaningless slogans without actually coming up with real solutions. They feel that if they say ';alternative, renewable energy'; enough times it will come true.
Last Tuesday, Bush asked Congress to extend drilling in ANWR. Congress said '; nope';.
For the same reason no one in congress has done anything about it for the past 30 years. They are afraid of being singled out by the enviro-terrorists and losing their cushy jobs.
I am more against ANWR, than coastal or Gulf of Mexico drilling, and I live in Florida.
Because I guess they are afraid they'll ruin the enviroment
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