Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm doing a debate in science on oil drilling in the ANWR and I'm con. What would be a good easy prop to bring?

Bring a pogo stick. Show people how easy transportation is when you have no oil.I'm doing a debate in science on oil drilling in the ANWR and I'm con. What would be a good easy prop to bring?
A seagull drenched in crude oil.

Seriously--You should be able to make up a chart fairly easily showing how much oil we'd actually get and when. That would be effective, since the total is such a small proportion of current consumption it wouldn't make enough deterrence to matter.

If you want to get a little more serious, a second chart showing how much electric power could be produced via windmills or nuclear energy with the same investment--and how many hybrid or electric cars it would run--would be great.

As to the second--I don't have precise figures. Long range (20+ years) it's a no brainer--the electric power route pays off. Short term, I THINK (not certain) a combination of wind (and possibly nuclear) power combined with hybrids and/or electrics would be more cost effective for the total transportation value (miles driven) produced.

The second would be some serious research, though . That's the only drawback.I'm doing a debate in science on oil drilling in the ANWR and I'm con. What would be a good easy prop to bring?
bring a glass and water... and show how much oil would be pumped out of ANWR relative to our need...

I'm sure you can find it somewhere, but it's a very small amount...

you know, fill the glass like 1/16th up... and say something like ';does this much water help a person dying of thirst? our nation has a great thirst for oil, and ANWR is merely a drop in a glass. The real problem is solving the thirst, not just adding a few drops to a glass...';
Make sure you mention how these oil companies are under no, zero, nada, obligation to keep this oil for America, but rather take the oil from ANWAR and put it on the open market and sell to the highest bidder....whether it's Japan, china...whoever.

Most Americans aren't aware of this.
A Saudi King blow up so you can bow down and worship his oil and give him money to spend on Wahabi terrorists that come to the U.S. and set up Mosques and schools and overpopulate the U.S. so they can eventually please Allah by turning the whole world Muslim.

We need to be self sufficient! We need to drill here, drill now.
how about a greasy duck...just use Dawn to wash it off...

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